Hi! My name is Joyce Carroll Grace carroll@netaxs.comand on this page will be many things I like or I think are interesting.

One of the most important people in my life is Peter Grace

We were married on August 12, 1995. Here are some pictures.

During our first year of marriage,I became pregnant. Here are some pictures.

The other important person is our beautiful baby boy, Edwin! Here are some pictures.

I now work for Number Nine Visual Technology

They make Graphic Accelerators cards for the PC. Check them out! 

I was an employee and student at University of Pennsylvania

  • University of Pennsylvania's Web Page 

    Here is the Homepage for Netaxs:

  • Netaxs Home Page 

    I'm into Science Fiction:

  • SF Lovers Archives
  • The Lysator Science Fiction & Fantasy Archive 

    Science Fiction Convention & Fannish Webpages:

  • Worldcon and NASFiC Bids
  • Philcon  philcon@netaxs.com I am a member of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and I work for their Science Fiction Convention every year
  • NESFA I am a member of the New England Science Fiction Association and I work for their convention every year too. 
  • Sharon Sbarsky's Home Page 
  • Laurie Mann's A Fannish Home Page 
  • The Fannish E-Mail Directory 
  • Fandom Directory  (Online Edition) - Your on-line link to Fandom around the world! Science Fiction, Star Trek, Comics, Tradin g Cards, Gaming and More! Point and click access to thousands of fan, collector, dealer, store, publisher, club and convention email addresses and web sites. Listings are FREE!

    I also like Science Fiction TV & Movies too:

  • Highlander Site
  • Star Trek Voyager
  • THE DOMINION: Sci-Fi Channel Online
  • Star Wars Home Page at UPENN

    I like to do costumes too:

  • International Costumer's Guild, Inc. I am a Journeyman Costumer (according to the rules set forth by the International Costumers Guild, Inc.) Someday, I'll put up pictures of my award winning costumes and the ones that were just for fun. 
  • The Costume Page 
  • The Grab Bag 
  • Lily Abello's Sewing Resource Guide 
  • The Romance of Certain Old Clothes 
  • Marijah's Bibliographiy of Renaissance and Europe 
  • Medieval and Fantasy Costuming 

    These are just some of the things I am interested in.

    Electronic Frountier Foundation

     last updated 3/3/99