Here you will find the most recent release of FTMAP for both win32 and unix platforms.

8/12/97 - New version (1.8.1) released.

Unlike many new releases in the computer world, this version is actually FASTER than it's predecessor ! Uses a **much** faster colour compression algorithm. It will also tile background images as requested, use the -w flag to wallpaper the image at its current resolution.

24/9/98 - Not much changed with (1.8.2)

Certain resources in the ftmap init file no longer have default values if they are undefined these are:

They can be commented out in the init file by using the comment character ';' semi-colon or omitted all together.

If a text label has a null value then the label will not be plotted. A null value is a line with nothing on it but a carriage return.

The FTMAP Manual should answer most of your questions, and contains an explanation of all the features implemented in the latest release.

24/9/98 - Repacked both unix and win32 distributions to include the latest exacutable.

I've removed the old distributions from this page, as the new (as of 24/9/98) package should contain everything you need. I still have all the old stuff, so just let me know if you'd like it back...

This page is maintained by Michael Hodgson.
It was last updated on 15 September 1998.