Zelda 64 - The Ocarina of Time
Hey Everyone...I have obtained a preview of the story of the latest Legend Of Zelda. Here it is. I hope you enjoy.
"Long ago, before Gannon stole the Triforce and Kidnapped
Zelda, a fearless warrior in the world of Hyrule named Link
embarked on his coming of age ceremony in the Maze Woods.
It was the custom of his tribe, the Kokiri family, that a young
man would receive a guardian spirit or fairy who would stay
beside him and guide him throughout his life.
Bust as Link walked through the woods, he discovered a
monster had captured one such fairy. Gallantly, Link came to
the rescue and defeated the monster, but the fairy was mortally
wounded. With her dying breath, she warned Link not to allow
Gannondorf, king of the thieves to possess the Triforce and
seek out a wise man and his spiritual stone.
At the same time, Gannondorf stumbled into the Maze Woods
and neared the secret place where the Triforce was kept. Link
went to the Hyrule Castle for help. Princess Zelda knew of the
Triforce's hiding place, but to save it they would have to find
three magical stones.
Thus the adventure begins. "
So? Whatcha think? I think it's awesome!!! But please notice that this story will probably change by the time it is released but I got the blue-print!!! Another thing that I have heard is that you start the game at the age of 9, then age as you go along. There are a couple of pictures here so that you can see the difference. Ok, Ok, here is another possible story...
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time promises to be the best game of the decade, if not all
of the video game era this century, and will undoubtedly live up to all its hype. LS has
managed to squeeze some tidbits of information from various sources to come up with a
probable storyline:
Your adventure begins with Link's "coming of age" ceremony. This is where Link will
receive his own guardian spirit from the Fairy Tree, when all of a sudden an evil
monster (perhaps Gannondorf) attacks and steals the tree. Navie, Link's fairy,
somehow manages to escape and then tells Link of the dangers thatare facing Hyrule and that
Gannondorf is trying desperately to unlock the secrets of the Triforce. Navie then
accompanies Link through his adventure to once again save Hyrule.
Zelda 64 starts with Link in the rain. A cinematic cutscene shows Link watching in fear
as a stately knight leaves Hyrule Castle on horseback -- with him, a young elven
princess, Zelda. Link runs to the lowered draw bridge and tries to cross the castle
moat, but his path his blocked by a dark figure. There, in the middle of the pouring rain stands
Ganondorf, a thief with a greedy grin and a nose as big as Cyrano de Bergerac's. Thus begins
Link's adventure on the N64, a tale of elves and dragons, of good and evil, and of time.
There are other scenarios that we know for certain will be in the game. The Deku Tree
is seen asking Link to save it from doom. Link must travel inside the tree and
exterminate all of the Deku Seeds and Deku Baba's, plus numerous other fiends in
order to accomplish this mission.
A number of old "goodies" have been brought back and some new ones have been added.
Link now has a horse which can gallop, walk, and jump over some platforms. The horse use
carrots for a food source and requires them to do the many things Link will need to
accomplish. Another new additon is Link's fairy, Navie. She is very useful and changes color
depending on the scenario Link is in. Some old characters include Princess Zelda,
Gannondorf, and Gannon.
PS. The game seems to be set before the other Zelda games, since Link is only nine years old. But it is said that the Ocarina of Time has something to do with possibly sending link forward into time, or possibly just making him older. It still remains a mystery...