My Mini Biography
Name: Duong Dinh Nicknames: Christopher, Orion, SleepyDragon, StarGazer Occupation: Student Birthday: July 1st, 1981 Height: 5'5" Weight: 130lbs Eyes: Dark Brown
Everything else you can decipher from the picture!!
Well, to start, my birth name is Duong. It's pronounced like "Zung". I sometimes go by Christopher also. I'm 17 years old, vietnamese, born on the waters of Indonesia. That's how I got my name, it means "gentle waves", from the very waves I was born on.
I live in the States. San Jose, California to be exact. I've lived by the bay area almost my whole life, if not by the bay, then by the golden coasts of California. So the beaches are like my third home, Lake Tahoe being my second!!
Some of my hobbies include caligraphy, playing and writing music on my piano, practicing martial arts, traveling, reading poetry and classics, working with computers and electronics, fixing up my car, photographic art, just being active. Ever since I was little I was said to be a very fast learner, and I think it's true. I tend to pick up things pretty quick.
I'm a cancerian, who thinks astology is really fun. New age stuff interests me, although sometimes I think it's really fake. I like to dream, I'm an optimist, and tend to try to look on the bright side even when it isn't possible. I cherish my family and my friends more than anything else on this planet. They are the most important people in my life...without them, I would not be who I am today. For those who know me know how much I treasure friendship.
Movies and music influence me a lot. I like Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Rock, ANY rock. I like classical and blues too. Some of my favorite bands are Def Leppard, White Snake, Alice Cooper, Scorpions, Megadeath, Foreigner, Duran Duran, Chicago, Journey, all the way to Oasis. As for classical and blues, I like Winton Marsalis, and Bach.
As for movies, my favorites include "Cloak and Dagger", "ET", "The Star Wars Trilogy", "The Adventures of Indiana Jones Trilogy", "Murder in the First", "Flight of the Navigator", "Back to the Future", "Top Gun", "The NeverEnding Story", "Dumb and Dumber", "The Truman Show", (Jim Carey is BRILLIANT) and a lot more. I'll add them later.
I attended Hellyer Prep for Kindergarten until first grade where I moved and went to Terrel Elementary school for second grade. From there I transfered once again to Carson until fifth grade. I went to Steinbeck Middle School and From there where I am now, I'm a senior at Gunderson High School, proud like every other Class of 99er that WE'RE THE LAST OF THE MILENIUM! I take music lessons at a private conservatory hidden somewhere amongst San Jose.
One thing I've gotta have a good dose of? The great outdoors. As you see in my picture, Lake Tahoe is my favorite getaway spot with my family. Natural highs are the only way to get high! It's so beautiful up there, plus I can ski and snowboard too!
Ever since I was two years old, I've been going to the ER room. I have the worst luck ever, from riding on handle bars and flying fifty feet to collapsing during a haircut!!! Wierd huh? Yeah. I got in trouble a lot too, fought a couple of times, got beat up, always looked out for myself, but never succeeding. But now I'm older, I don't get into trouble anymore. It's not that I'm more mature, it's just that I know better!!
I write music a lot. Most of the music I compose off my piano is very raw, meaning that it isn't planned or written down. I just play what my emotions tell my fingers to do. From the gentlest notes, to the hardest strikes of the ivories. My favorite soloist is Jim Brickman. The stuff he writes is just simply magical. He touches your innermost emotions with his music. You might recognize him with songs like Valentine, and The Gift.
My first real crush I had on a girl happened when I was about 9 or 10. I won't tell you who it was but we were really small, I was a ring bearer, and she was the flower girl. I regret I didn't ask her to dance that night, but I was a kid for crying out loud- but I will the next time I get the chance. I had before thought girls were disgusting for Pete's sake!! I guess it was just the wedding enviroment that made me a little soft.
My friends have always been there for me, and I hope I have been there for them when they needed it. I guess I was grew up with good friends. I remember a couple of my true friends since childhood. One of them being Tu Nguyen. He was my best friend since kindergarten. He showed me how a friend always should try to understand the other, even when it seems impossible. Then there was Tyler, who taught me that going down a very steep hill together on our skateboards without kneepads was not very smart. He was my first "get in trouble with" friend. Boy, did we have some good times. There wasn't a thing we didn't do together. Then there was Alex, who was the first friend that I had an argument with, which resulted in flying fists. We ended up giving eachother bloody noses but we both gave up and shook hands after. Since then, we've been friends. Then there was William Long, AKA, Bill. Now HE was a character, always trying to impress me for some reason. He was always a little crazy. He was one of the friends I could trust with a secret. But all that changed when in the 5th grade, we had a class picnic, and we were playing softball. I was up at bat when I swung for a ball and gave it to Bill right on the head. He had to go in for
seven stitches!! Lucky for him he has such a hard head!! Since then, he's been, well- a little mellow. Then there was Bubba. He was One of the three stooges, Bill and I being the other two. Nicknamed Bubba because he looked like former 49er Bubba Paris. (Probably just as big! Sorry Bubba!) But we had a good time together, especially at camp cambell. Then there's J.J., although it's just been the last few years we've really gotten to be close, he's still a cool guy. Could be a bastard sometimes though...hehehe. (Gotcha online JAY)