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This is the place where you can get the best midi files around.
We have three catagories.
Movie Themes, TV Show Themes, and Rock Songs.
Movie Themes
2001 Nutty Professor (i'm so excited) Wallice & Grommit
Back to the Future Peter Gunn(Blues Brothers) Godfather
Batman Pink Panther Independence Day
Beetlejuice Psycho Jurassic Park
Beverly Hills Cop Pulp Fiction Superman
Big Raiders of the Lost Ark War of the Worlds
Blues Brothers Rainman
Edward Scissorhands Rocky
Forest Gump Star Wars
Ghostbusters Another Star Wars song
Gremlins Yet another Star Wars song
Indiana Jones Star Trek(undiscovered country) 
James Bond Star Trek(first contact)
Jaws Mary Poppins(Supercala...)
Last starfighter Terminator2
Mission Imposible Rainbow connection(one of the muppet movies)
Naked Gun Rocky Horror
Nightmare Before Christmas Toystory
TV Show Themes
A-Team Get Smart Mickey Mouse Club
Addams Family Gilligan's Island Monkeys(hey,hey...)
Alf Greatest American Hero Mork and Mindy
All in the Family Green Acres Munsters
Animaniacs Happy Days Muppet Show
Avengers Happy Happy Joy Joy(ren & stimpy) Odd couple
Benny Hill Hitchcock Outerlimits
Brady Bunch Jag Peanuts
Cheers Jeopardy Perfect Strangers
Chips King of the Hill Popeye
Battle Star Gallactica Kids in the Hall Quantum Leap
Days of our lives Lassie Scooby Doo
Doogie Houser MD Law and Order Seaquest
Doug Looney tunes Superfriends
Ducktails MacGyver Shaft
Family Dog Married with children Simpsons
Flintstones M*A*S*H Spiderman
Frasier Milenium Star Trek (original series)
...and more TV Show Themes
Star Trek (next Generation) Dukes of Hazard
Star Trek (deep space nine) ER
Taxi Friends
Jeffersons I Dream of Genie
Three Stooges Lois and Clark
Tiny toons Lost in Space
Twilight zone I Love Lucy 
Who's the boss MST 3000
Wonder years Northern Exposure
Woody Woodpecker Little Rascals
X-files Sesame Street
X-men Tales from the Crypt
Inspector Gadget WKRP in Cinncinati
Beverly Hillbillies
Buck Rodgers
Casper the Friendly Ghost
Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers
Rock Songs
Another one bites the dust -(Queen) Rolercoaster -(Red hot chili peppers) Stand By Me -(?)
Battery-(Metallica) Roxanne-(The police) Dead Souls -(Nine Inch Nails)
Bound for the floor -(Local H) Runaway-(Soal asylum)
Closer -(NIN) Sedated-(Ramones)
Crystal Ship -(Doors) Smells like teen spirit-(Nirvana)
Fight for your right to party -(Beastie Boys) Sweet home alabama-(Lynard skinard)
Hold me thrill me kiss me kill me -(U2) Tainted Love-(I can't remember the name of the people that sing this)
I am the walrus -(Beetles) The wind cries mary -(Jimi Hendrix)
Karma Police -(Radiohead) This is a call-(Foo fighters)
Killing in the name of-(Rage against the machine) Walk this way -(Aerosmith) 
Layla-(Eric clapton) Walking on the sun -(Smashmouth)
Longview-(Green day) Where it's at -(Beck)
Loser-(Beck) White room-(Eric clapton)
Maxwell's silver hammer-(Beetles) White wedding -(Billy idol)
No rain-(Blind melon) Wynona's big brown beaver -(Primus)
Peaches En Ragalia -(Frank zappa) Istanbul -(They Might Be Giants)
Pink-(Aerosmith) Now I'm Here -(Queen)
Ride the lightning -(Metallica) I'm Too Sexy -(Right Said Fred)
maybe we should go back home
To the top of the page...I'll explain on the way!