Appearance: Well I have blond hair and green eyes. I am little bit more than 5 feet tall and I weight nearly 100 lbs. I am slender and I wear a white cloak quite often, although I have been known to wear other colors or not wear a cloak at all. I appear a lot younger than I actually am, because of my elven heritage. I am not sure what else to add. I feel quite embarrassed about talking about my appearance as most anyone is when describing themselves.
History: Ah, my history now this is easier,
but still not easy as there are parts of my past I do not know. Like
Tragere I was adopted. Unlike him I was abandoned by my parents.
I was found by a human family traveling to Palanthas, they said I was only
about three days old then. My mother, or step-mother I should say
since this is for information purposes, ( she was the only mother I have
ever known) had recently given birth so I was nursed along with my step-brother,
Corran. This was all in the year 341 AC (A.C. stands for Alt-Cataclian
or After Cataclysm. I will describe the Cataclysm at a
later date as it is a lengthy topic).
My parents kept it no secret
that I wasn't their child, not to hurt me, but so I could embrace my heritage
and maybe one day find my parents. My parents even got me a tutor
to teach me Qualinesti elven (The differences between Silvanesti elven
and Qualinesti elven are no many but there are some. I have no idea
if the other two elven races of Ansalon I've heard of, the sea-elves and
the Kagonesti, have elven languages similar to Qualinesti or not, but I
suspect they do). Corran picked up a lot of the elven I was taught
because I use it often and he was around once and a while when I was being
tutored. My tutor also gave me a brief lesson in elvish history.
My experiences in society
were very different on Krynn than here in Ravenloft. Here those who
are not human, which including the Vistani, which I've heard quite a bit
about, are discriminated against. On Krynn I was treated as just
another person. Occasionally I encountered a elf hater, but it in
no way compares to what I have experienced here.
I had begun to practice magic
a young age, even though it was only little parlor tricks, my love to be
a mage overwhelm me and I found my self at the Tower of High Sorcery
in Wayreth studying magic at age twenty. I spent ten years there
before I took the Test.
Afterwards I decided to return
home, to my family, but I was derailed by a mystical calling.
I had no choice but to follow it, for it was to strong to resist and I
it led me into one of the darkest places on Krynn Dargaard Keep, the home
of the death knight, Lord Soth. Even with all the fear I felt, I
had to push on. The keep was eerily empty.
I followed the calling all
through the keep, and finally ended up in front of an ancient skeleton.
The calling seem to be coming from the skeleton. I bent down and
started moving the bones a side trying to find the exact source.
Inside the skeleton was a medallion. As I picked it up, I could feel
a great aura of power magic coming from it, evil magic. And yet I
felt that I needed it and yet it wasn't mine.
It was at that moment I first
noticed the mist. At first I thought it was nature at work, but than
as the mists grew I could feel darkness at work. I tried to escape,
but it was no use for I had wait too long. As the mists dissipated,
I found myself in the forests outside of Har-Thelen, a town of Sithicus.
Current Sketch: I now reside in Har-Thelen
and rarely visit the other countries because of humanities hatred of my
kind. I first met Tragere when he visited Har-Thelen on one of his
searches for knowledge. As I told him about my life on Krynn,
he seemed totally engrossed by my stories. We soon became friends.