"You have come to ask my oppinion on something? Kind of a waste of you money, but if you I will give it to you."
New Reviews

Here's how my new Rating System Works:
-you need to get this book it's so good
-you might want to buy this, which would be money well spent
-this book can be useful, but it would be a wise to read about the book before you buy it
-this book hasn't got much useful information, so make sure you know about it before you buy it
-you shouldn't spend your money on this unless your collecting or you get it really cheap

Champions of the Mists
 Domains of Dread
Old Reviews
Knight of the Black Rose                                          Dance of the Dead
Author: James Lowder                                                  Author: Christie Golden
****                                                                            *****
Okay, but it is too short.Being too short,                        I really like this book.  It's great story, with
it creates a need for the book to wrap up                       a sort of tragic end. Also it contains one of
quickly which I didn't like.                                              my favorite domains, Sourage.
Heart of Midnight                                                      Carnival of Fear
Author: J. Robert King                                                  Author: J. Robert King
*****                                                                           *****
                                                               . .
The book is one of the best I've ever read.                    This is most definatly my favorite Ravenloft novel.
I only wish Casimir had survived.                                   It has everything that Ravenloft is in it, tragedy,
                                                                                     love, temptation, and so much more.

I, Strahd: Memoires of a Vampire                            Lord of the Necropolis
Author: P.N. Elrod                                                        Author: Gene DeWeese
***                                                                               ****
Well, it's an okay book but not the best.                         Great book, I love how it restarts halfway though,
                                                                                     only thing is it doesn't agree with what has
                                                                                     happened in the modules of the Grand
                                                                                     Conjunction and Grim Harvest. ((This book is
                                                                                     non canon))
The Enemy Within                                                      Scholar of Decay
Author: Christie Golden                                                 Author: Tanya Huff
*****                                                                           ****
                                                               . .
I know many people have said that this                          Good book, but there is some unfathomable
book sucks, but I loved it. I like this version                   quality that it has which keeps it from receiving
of Sir Tristan Hiregaard more than the one                     5 stars.
presented in the DoD.
((This book is non canon))
Mordenheim                                                               Vampire of the Mists
Author: Chet Williamson                                                Author: Christie Golden
*****                                                                           NR
This one I really loved. It is one of the best                    Just got it, but I know I'll love it 'cause Christie
ravenloft novels out there.                                             Golden is one of my favorite authors

Tapestry of Dark Souls
Author: Elaine Bergstrom

Haven't read it yet, but from the reviews I've
heard I probably won't like but hey it was cheap

Acessories & Campain Boxed Sets

Well, it's okay, just okay.  The are a few good
 items, but there are more that I found useless.

Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead
My first VR guide, and hopefully not my last.
I going to read this almost right away.


Howls in the Night                                                      Web of Illusion
***                                                                               ****
An okay adventure, but it's got nothing really                  Well, it's a good adventure, although the ending,
special to it.                                                                   were the PC's kill the darklord Arijani I don't like.
                                                                                     NB.:If the PC's do kill Arjani, he could be reincarnated
                                                                                     which the peoples of Sri Raji believe in.
****** is the best, * is the worst
If you don't like my reviews send me your own and I'll put them on my page when I get time
PS*I have easy access to all these books plus plenty more so if you have questions e-mail me*PS