Kyffin stops in a section of mist that looks exactly like any other part- grey and featureless. He motions with one hand, and the mists swirl suddenly, and you are standing in a large circular room with a domed ceiling. The ceiling is covered in a set of murals, every one dipicting a battle, almost all of them featuring Dragons. "You'll have to stay here for a while." he says. "There's a storm moving through the Unformed. It's what we call a Thought Storm. The mists become even more sensitive than usual, and the slightest thought causes them to mateiralize. There are some things here you can look at until the storm passes, if you want." Looking around, you see several arched doorways around the room.

Choose one. But be warned, you are still in the Unformed. the unexpected may pop up at any moment

. A quick overview of the all out weirdest bunch of people on the net. You want more, you'll just have to go meet them yourself.

. All about that Human guy making me say these things.

. Pictures of me and some other people!

. Simply put, my writing. MiniClan fanfics, non-MC Gargoyles fanfics, and anything else I feel like writing.

. The MiniClan, and some of its craziest denizens and otherwise associated ....things.... given Magic: the Gathering format.

. Granted, it isn't good poetry, but if you don't read it and EM me comments, how am I supposed to get better?

. Everyone in Mini knows what I'm famous for. So, now that I've finally got a (bad) scanner, you get to see the spoons!

. The Spoons have spoken!

. Everything new that's formed out of the Mists. New stuff: Dec 3, 1999

Leaving so soon? Well, at least I can still direct you to some cool places that are so good they'll drive all thought of this one out of your mind and you won't remember how you got there or how to get back if you leave, so be sure to bookmark.

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Special thanks to Reya for helping me get started. Without her assistance, this page wouldn't be here now. Thanks!