You find yourself engulfed by grey. An endless sea of swirling mist obscures your vision. Your entire surroundings seem fantastic and magical though all you can is the fog. The ground beneath your feet appears to be somewhat real, but in this place you can never be sure. The mist itself twists around you, almost as if it were alive, plucking at your hair, laughing at your look of surprise. You see a winged figure approaching through the thick mist. The figure steps closer and you see he is a Gargoyle, with blue-green skin and reddish-brown hair, wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt with a Golden Dragon print on it.

"I am Kyffin Dagoralth", he says "formerly of Clan Irilon, presently of the Mini Clan. Welcome to the Unformed Mists. These mists that swirl around you can be shaped with the mind, formed into anything that can be imagined. It isn't safe to be out here, you know. Many have used the mists to create weapons and creatures whos only purpose is to kill. Follow me. I have a pocket of mist nearby where it is safe. Stay close. It's easy to get lost in here." With that he turns and walks back the way he came.

Do you wish to

Or would you perfer to risk the dangers outside ?

The choice is yours.

Supporter of the Purple Dragon Friendship Campaign

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