Welcome to Thomas Spindler's homepage

A warm welcome for everybody, whereever you are from.
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Letzte Neuigkeiten - Last News

There are some nice new pics in the photos section...

I would like to thank the following people for what they gave to me, I will keep for all of them a special part in my memories:

My parents Manfred and Christine, my sister Silke, my grandparents Anna and Helmut
My friends Andreas, Shaf, Emilia, Martina, Katia, Regu and Mati
and of course - Irene
Thank you - Danke - Gracias

Lost Contact

To these friends I lost contact - please let me know where you are (alphabetical)
Obergefreiter Funke - Halver?/Westfalen
Silke Hellmich - Heidelberg
Axel Kirchner - Waltershausen/Ohrdruf
Ines Koenig - Erfurt (Magdeburger Allee)
Michaela Koenig - Arnstadt
Katharina Klaeui - Bochum/Duesseldorf/Ecuador
S. Puetz - Aachen/Detmold
Regula Schuettloeffel - Neudorf-Platendorf/Allgaeu/Bozen/Leipzig
Tanja Schumacher - Verl/Hoevelhof

(c) Thomas Spindler 2006