1. identify - findout which scrambling method your cable co uses -
2. foil antenna -how to descramble cable with aluminum foil -
3. scribble vision- how to get cable by opening up your tvs -
4. $12 decoder -build a cable descrambler With 7 simple parts -
5. relay crack -how to get you and your neighbors free cable -
6. foil antenna 2- a different way to use your aluminum foil -
7. satellite tv -how you "clone" and "3 musketeer" decoders -
8. porno boxes -how to not get caught with bullets and tricks -
9. notch filter -a real working plan being sold on the internet -
11. gated syncs -another working plan being sold on the internet -
12. euro tv - completeplans with components list and schematics -
13. sync regenerators- clears up some confusion about syncs -
14. cable tv fyi- info for the simpleton to the guru about cable -
15. Wireless faq- frequently asked questions of wireless cable -
16. turn me on -how a bullet id blocker gets premium channels -
17. cable guide -cubes, converters, filters, tools, and test chips -
18. maxi decoder- a plans for cable with synconization coding -
19. video baseband- easily descrambles suppressed sync video -
20. jerrold cube- the group 42 plan for a universal cube w/ pcb -
21. cable frequencies- all the cable tv freq. for re-adjusting -
22. stealing tv - steal cable w/ magnets or from your neighbor -
23. intercept leaks - recieve total cable service without paying -
24. system06.zip - contains cableguide,plans for notchfilter,syncdescrambler,testcube and more. -
25. decoder.zip - contains maxidecoder,multisync2,video-inverter,catv and more. -
26. dss carding - dss card enabling/cloning codes -
27. learning tool - a great program teaching you step by step how to build a descrambler -
E-mail me at cable4free@hotmail.com