Welcome to Ralphs MV1 fanfic Guestbook! Please sign in here

Steve Conbell - 08/24/99 17:37:51
My Email:w440.@microsoft.com
reason for stopping by?: Was searching for info on Genis-Vell
What's your Favorite Marvel Superhero?: Captain Mar-Vell
What's your favorite DC Superhero?: Flash

Some of the runs on these titles kick ass! Makes me wish Marvel was printing it.

- 08/06/99 15:13:28
My Email:debshoc13
reason for stopping by?: you sent it to mee
What's your Favorite Marvel Superhero?: me
What's your favorite DC Superhero?: me


Matthew Turnage - 07/14/99 18:27:35
My Email:turnagem@yahoo.com
reason for stopping by?: checking out the new look
Do you want to be on a list that will tell you when this page is upddated?: nah, I know already
What's your Favorite Marvel Superhero?: The Invincible Iron Man
What's your favorite DC Superhero?: Superman

I like the new look Ralph. Good job!

Steve Swartz - 11/20/98 07:12:01
My Email:Steve777@adelphia.net
reason for stopping by?: Like to read Fanfic
Do you want to be on a list that will tell you when this page is upddated?: No, I check in a lot
What's your Favorite Marvel Superhero?: Spider-Man or Captain America
What's your favorite DC Superhero?: Superman!

Keep on writin', Ralph! Great stuff!

10/16/98 07:15:48
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/23/98 23:28:39
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

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