Ron's Start page

Yes, its a waste of time! Follow the links to the good stuff

Hi I'm ronbo.
I Collect EVERYTHING non-sports, but mainly promo cards. I am always looking for people to trade with, so if you see anything you like, just e-mail. I also buy and sell if necessary, just to help out my collection. I'm currently serving in the Military, and stationed overseas in South Korea. So I dont get to many card shows these days. I rely a lot on what I can get in trade and what I can find cheap to keep my collection up. I have access to bunches of cool Korean Anime toys and stuff if those are of interest, and will happily trade them for cards and stuff that I need. Please use the links below to get to more important parts of this web page, like my extra cards and want lists. If you need any help with cards, please e-mail. take care, Ron

My interests are:
Non-sports cards. Star wars. X-Files. Star Trek. Food issue cards. Foreign cards. Just about anything thats somewhat unique and collectible.

The description of my page is:
Promo Cards, Food Issue Cards, Foreign cards
Non-Sports sets, inserts, Promotional material
Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

Ron's card page

New to this web stuff, so dont look here if your looking for something fancy. I just created this as a place to store my wants and extra card lists so everyone would have access to them. Take care, Ron

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