Hello all you B5 fans! I hope you will enjoy your visit to
this site, dedicated
to the most fun and interesting race in the entire Babylon
5 universe. Sorry, no Narns allowed. Pour yourself a drink and let's get started!
Hi, I'm Lady Keela Shanri. Well, I'M not, but my Babylon 5
is. Welcome to Centauri Prime, a creative fanfic, humour,
and opinion site
based off of Babylon 5. My favourite race from B5 is
obviously the Centauri,
as if you couldn't tell. I have found so very little fanfic that really uses the Centauri characters, as opposed to throwing them in as short
cameo parts. And that frankly surprised me, seeing as how
if you ask the
typical B5 fan who their favourite character is, Londo, for just one example,
will usually be close to the top of their list. So I
decided to make this
site, to honour the characters that everyone loves but
practically no-one
writes about. This site is a place to read original
Babylon 5 stories and contribute
own fanfic, as well as opinion essays, humour, and
reviews about all things Babylon 5. With your help, we
can make this a fun and different Babylon 5 site!
Welcome Webtv Users! This site is "absofragginglutely"
to be Java, Shockwave, and generally plug-in FREE, and is
best viewed with
your EYES, or your equivalent occular appendages...
Most of the pictures on this site, whether they are
part of the site or just linked, are from The
Sci-Fi Continuum: Babylon 5", a superb Australian B5
site. The ones
that aren't from there are for the most part from the Official
Babylon 5 Site, with the two notable exceptions being
the banner that
"Oodles" made for me, and the picture of Lady Keela Shanri
and Ranger Lufa
Caldoni (on the About
Me page), which is my own original hand-drawn
There is FINALLY a new poll here at this site. The Season Five one seems to have died; I may try it again later at some point. Anyway, the poll for now is: Which character from Babylon 5 do you think would survive the best if they were suddenly thrown into our own world; and why do you think that? Be creative, have fun, and get out there and VOTE!
Awards This Site Has Won:
Babylon 5 Web Excellence Award received from the Babylon 5
U.K. website on October 14, 1998. Alien Sector "Cool Site" Award recieved from the Alien Sector website on October 21, 1998.
Click to search Celebsites.
Celebsites Award of Excellence recieved from Celebsites, July 14, 2000.

The "Golden Bucket Award"--Highest Order of the Ancient Vorlon God Booji. Awarded October 12 by Lindaru from her site, "The Temple of Booji".
Click the award graphics to go to the respective
Site last updated July 14, 2000.
About the Babylon 5 Universe
5 in general and my take on it
The Purple Files
Who or what exactly ARE these Centauri you keep going on about?
The "Lesser Races"
The Humans
The Minbari
The Narns
The Shadows
The Vorlons
The Other Races
Opinions and Creativity
Centaurum (Message Board)
5 Reviews
Cartagia's Humour Palace
Original Babylon 5 Fiction
and Poetry
Imperial Cabinet (Essays and Random Thoughts)
Credit/Blame For This Site Goes To:
Royal Court of Centauri Prime
What kind of weirdo
wrote this thing, anyway?
to other Babylon 5 sites on the Web
Links to
some miscellaneous favourite sites of mine
Want to link to my site? Use the above banner! Thanks to
from the Warner
Bros. Babylon 5 Site's message boards for designing it
for me!
My God, man. We've become a TOURIST ATTRACTION!!
people have seen the great
Centauri Republic since October 11, 1998.
HEY, COOL!! We passed the 7,000-point mark a--erm...while ago...but I have NO idea when! Oh, well. Glad to see it, though!
Before you just go running out the door on a tear, how
you sign
my guestbook?
Or you can read
what others have said about this site
Or, if you're REALLY a glutton for punishment, you can read the OLD guestbook (this is, of
course, assuming that the new one will work correctly...)
We hope you enjoyed your trip to Centauri Prime. Be sure
to come back soon!
Babylon 5, The Centauri Republic, and all other indicia
are copyright 1993-1998 J. Michael Straczynski, Babylonian
Productions, and Warner Bros. Inc. and are being used by
the author of this website strictly for personal
The advertisements you see all over this site are
GEOCITIES', not my
own, and I have NO control over them. I make absolutely NO
money whatsoever
off of this site, but instead write the entire thing--at
great loss of
my own time--for love of the show ONLY. This is a
NON-PROFIT website.
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