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Superman Portrayals 3.0


Welcome to Superman Portrayals! This is where you'll learn about the many incarnations of the Man of Steel in Movies, Television, Radio, Plays, and other live action mediums (Superboy, Supergirl, Superbaby, Krypto, Comet, and Streaky not included). Just go to the ACTORS section and select an actor button (listed in chronological order) to see a photo and 'at-a-glance' stats. If you'd like to find out even more information about that specific role press the MORE INFO button! Also be sure to check out the 'S' Symbols section. So come on in and stay awhile.


Two new votes for Tim Daly in the Role Call section! (10/2/00)

Updated Multipath Adventures of Superman episode list! (10/2/00)

NEWS! Possible Smallville television series in the works! Visit the Occasional Orb section for more info! (9/22/00)

Superman 2000: The Special Edition Watch UPDATE!! (9/5/00)

Vote for your favorite actor as the next Superman in the Role Call Poll!





Smallville television series in the works at WB!

CLICK HERE to find out more!

Superman 2000: The Special Edition!

Word has it that Warner Bros. is finally working on an extended version on Superman: The Movie for theatres and DVD.

CLICK HERE to find out more!

2000 Superman Celebration in Metropolis!

The Annual Superman Celebration in Metropolis Illinois was held on June 8th - 11th! CLICK HERE to find out more!

Nicolas Cage quits Superman?

Could it be true that we've seen the last connection between Cage and Superman? Visit the Superman Lives movie update section to get the rest of the story!

Vote for the next Superman actor!

Want to vote for your choice as the next live action Superman? Visit the Role Call section and see what others have chosen. Then... pick your own!

Please help Superman Portrayals become the top Superman site on the internet!


Click here to vote!


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TM & © 2000 DC Comics, Inc. This website is designed and maintained by Lawrence E. Pacheco

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