Ok, so the first picture is of the landscape along the northeastern coast as we were driving up towards the Orkney Islands.
Here I am standing in front of one of the stones in the Ring of Brognar. It's a giant stone circle on Orkney. It was really cool, but really windy too.
Ok, this is a picture of one of the houses from Skara Brae. It's the ruins of a Stone Age village, which was buried under a sand dune until somethime in the 1800s.
This is a black-faced sheep, they were really cute and were all over on the Isle of Skye. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the warning signs for the sheep, I'll have to see if I can get one when we go out on a trip.
And here's a picture of a Highland Cow, or Helian Coo. Aren't they just adorable?
My Papers:
Forest Paper
Pictures from around Campus
These are the statues at the enterance to Old King's College (the older part of campus). There's a lion on the right holding the cross of St. George (which stands for England), and a unicorn on the left holding St. Andrew's Cross (which stands for Scotland).
Ok, here's a picture of the door behind which my Biology class was hidden. The room number is written in with chalk. Hey I found it amusing at 8:50 in the morning....
I'm sorry this is kind of a bad picture, I didn't realize it until later. This is the windows in one of the stairwell's on campus. The ivy is growing up around the stained glass panels and when the sunlight was shining through the leaves it was absolutely beautiful.
And here's a picture of the outside of the the same stairwell. The ivy is just starting to change color and it's very pretty now. Apparently the colors are very vibrant this fall because it was a long dry summer.
I passed this office in the Econ Department. I found it so funny that I had to take a picture. Note there's a fire safety pamphlet tacked on the board next to the door (it's the red one).
Pictures from the Day-trip with Graham
This was the first stop on our trip, the stone-circle at Cullerlie. It was a very old circle, and very small. It dated from the Bronze Age and was used as a burial site as well as what-ever significance the stone ring served. The circle itself is in a very small plot of land and surrounded by farms on all sides.
Here we're stainding on the top of a large cairn (or pile of rocks) that was along an old drivers trail that was converted into a road. On a nice clear day you can see all the way to a mountain on the far side of Edinburgh. This however was not a nice day, it was cold, windy, and starting to rain.
This was the last stop, it was the ruins of the Dunnottar Castle. The castle proper is situated on a cliff surrounded by the ocean on three sides. The other side is a steep path down the cliffs on this side and up the other. It had stopped raining for a short while and you can see a rainbow behind us.
Meet my Friends from Aberdeen
This is some of the members of the Anime Society. Clockwise from bottom left
we have: Rebecca, Jonas, James, the twins (I can't remember their names), and Liz. I spent many Friday nights in that living room being silly and generally having a good time.
This is the group of Sci-Fi/Fantasy people when we went to see Lord of the Rings. We had dinner beforehand, went and saw the movie, and then went off on a pubcrawl. Lots of fun, though most of these people were new to me. Left to Right: ?, Brandon, me, Tom, Pete, ? (I don't think he was part of our group...), Andrew, Dave (tall, white coat), Jonas, ?, ?, ?, Dan, ?, Rebecca (in red coat), ?, ?.
This is Chis and James. I spent many weekends hanging out with these two at their flat. Here James is cooking dinner, even though it's after midnight....
And now into the group of people I played 7th Sea with on Sat. nights. This is Andy, who played Dupaix, a shadowy Montaigne with no memory of his past.
This is Dave, he played Anders, a Vendel merchant (I mean drug-dealer) who frequently healed everyone in the group after our escapades.
This is a picture of Spike (who's real name was Alistair), who played Sir Septimus a slightly oblivious Avalon noble. The person in the back on the right is Helen. She played Francisca a digger from the Explorer's Guild.
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