My 7th Sea Characters

Morgan Swift
Player: Lissa
Profession: Pirate Captain
Nationality: Avalon

Arcana: Stubborn
Reputation: 42
Experience: 47 total, 0 unspent

Brawn: 2
Finess: 3
Wits: 3
Resolve: 2
Panache: 3

Language: Avalon, Eisen (Avalon Accent)
Contacts: Confidant
(2, one in Vodacce, one in Freiburg (owes favor))
Dangerous Beauty
(add two extra unkept dice for seduction attempts)

Civil Skills:
Courtier: Dancing 1, Ettiquette 1, Fashion 1, Oratory 2
Sailor: Balance 1, Climbing 2, Knotwork 1, Rigging 1
Athlete: Footwork 4, Sprinting 1, Throwing 2, Climbing 2

Martial Skills:
Rasmussen (Apprentice): Exploit Weakness 1,
Pommel Strike (pistol) 1, Reload (firearms), Trick Shooting (pistol) 1
Commander: Strategy 1, Tactics 1, Artillery 1
Firearms: Attack 4, Reload 3
Knife: Attack 3, Parry 2, Throw 1
Dirty Fighting: Attack 2, Throat Strike 1

Unarmed: 25 passive, 7k3 active
Parry (knife): 15 passive, 6k3 active

Pistol 7k3 to hit, 6k3 damage
Musket 7k3 to hit, 7k3 damage
Knife 6k3 to hit, 3k2 damage
Fists (DF) 5k3 to hit, 2k1 damage

Morgan is a tall woman in her mid twenties with defiant hazel eyes and a ready smile. She haslong dark hair that she wears in a braid. She is well tanned from all the time spent on the sea, and walks with a confidant step and a rolling gait. She tends to wear her pirate garb which consists of a white shirt, a pair of tan breeches, and well worn boots. She also wears a Captain's waist coat, as a mark of her position. In her coat, are holsters for ten pistols (usually present and loaded) which she can draw at a moment's notice. She also has a pair of pistols with the mark of a swift upon them, worn on her belt. She usually carries her musket across her back with a strap. a fox tail is attached at the top of the strap, hanging against the barrel. She has a black handled boot knife with the mark of the swift upon its blade, which she keeps in a special sheath on the inside of her left boot. She has a small knapsack that she occasionally carries to hold other useful equipment.

Clothes (Pirate Garb) - waist coat, shirt, breeches, & boots
Fancier clothes (for the numerous balls in Freiburg)
12 Pistols, one pair stamped with a swift
Knife (black handled boot knife)
Musket with Shot (19)
Gunpowder and Shot (92)
50 ft. rope and grappling hook (stamped with a swift)
264 Gilders
Pirate Flag - Black swift flying past red setting sun on a blue field

Morgan's Loot:
Pirate Flag - 3 grinning skulls on black field
Boris the Big's axe
Boris the Big's wooden hammer
Boris the Big's ball and chain (heavy ball on long length of chain)
3 Panzerhands
Crossbow (no bolts)
Fox Tail


Morgan's father was a ranking officer in the Avalon Navy, who's regiment frequently battled pirates. Her mother was a court lady that he fell in love with and married. They lived happily in the capital for a few years until Morgan's father was promoted and reassigned to the northeast coast.

Morgan was born in the small village near the naval outpost. Her full given name is Morgan Rose Swift, though few poeple who knew her father would recognize her now. When Morgan was 9, her mother died, after being ill for many years. Her father was frequently gone for long stretches of time, as he pursued pirates during the shipping season, frequently returning home only in winter. When his wife died, he returned as quickly as possible to morn. He grieved all that summer, before turning his sadness to rage, focused against the band of pirates that called him away that spring. He spent autumn slaughtering his enemies before returning for the winter.

The following spring, the pirates retalliated. They broke into the Swift house, and murdered Morgan's father. Morgan awoke, and snuck into her father's room to get his pistols (the only useful thing he taught her was how to shoot) and went to investigate. She surprised the pirates, and managed to shoot one when he grabbed for her. The Captain (a Vendel by the name of Anja Skeldal) approved of Morgan's spirit and offered her a place on her ship. Morgan accepted, as there was no reason for her to stay.

The pirates ransacked the house, and burned it was we left in a longboat. Captain Skeldal taught Morgan more about guns and knives and found her to be a willing crewmate. At 17 Morgan had proven herself a competent crewmember and an able tactician, not to mention a damn good pirate. Morgan became first mate and at 19 was presented with a boat to captain. The boat was named The Albatross's Return, and had been liberated from it's previous owners by Morgan's skill. Morgan set off with her own crew to earn her fame and fortune.

Many years pass, as Morgan sails far and wide raiding costal villages. She has stashed away a small fortune, and is currently sailing off the coast of Avalon. When suddenly her ship is sailing in strange waters with a huge storm rising. She promptly starts yelling at her navigator for getting them lost, and he claims they are sailing on the mystical 7th sea. Suddenly the ocean dissappears and the ship is falling onto a cobbled street. The ship is totally destroyed in the resulting crash, though no one is harmed. Morgan promptly continues her berating of the navigator when she is approached by a small party. One of them an Avalon noble by the name of Sir Septimus, asks Morgan to join their search for a Syrinth artifact, which the group believes materialized Morgan's ship 40 ft. above this street in Vodacce. Morgan, seeing her ship will never be seaworthy again, agrees. Morgan eventually sells the remains of her ship to an enterprising bartender, and dismisses her crew. She then joins Sir Septimus and his small group: Anders, a Vendel "herbalist" and merchant; Du Paix, a shadowy Montaigne with no memory of his past; Fransisca, a digger from the Explorer's Guild; Atorro, a Castillian who claims to be "The Greatest Thief in all of Theah"; and Marie, an ex-musketteer on the run from L'Emperor.

The group eventually ends up in Freiburg, where Sir Septimus has obtained a manor and the title of Lord Drachenhime. They move in and quickly take care of a local smuggling operation that threatened them (by blowing a hole in the dining room wall with a cannon). There are many extravagant parties thrown and attended by Septimus and company. At one of these, Morgan meets with the head of the local Swordsmen Guild (which frowns upon the use of firearms). The two fall into argument, and Morgan sneaks into the guildhouse to steal a prized sword to prove her point. After a few more arguments, Morgan becomes disgusted and decides to form her own Guild. With the aid of Francisca, they rent a building and renovate it into a proper guildhouse. The first members are a group of ex-Montaingne navy who were sent to attack the Drachenhime manor.

Tenions rise, as Morgan readies her Guild to storm the Swordsman Guild on a point of honor. She is stopped by the mayor of Freiburg, Morgan decides to wait and build her forces before acting. Meanwhile, Sir Septimus and company performs many heroic deeds for the city, and their fame grows. After the group discovers a secret door within the manor's basement, which (supposedly) leads to a huge amount of Dracheneisen, the group is attacked by a huge force of bandits. Morgan is seriously injured while trying to retieve her guns from her room (as they had come from a costume ball). The group leaves Freiburg in search of answers to the riddles hidden in their basement. Morgan is too ill to go with them and is sent back when the group is attacked again. While the rest of the group is gone, two armies surround Freiburg and attempt to lay seige to it. The group returns just in time to save Freiburg, and find Morgan barricaded and locked in her room at the manor, as a huge force of bandits is in the basement trying to break into the dracheneisen room. Anders treats Morgan for starvation, and she rallies around. The group manages to defeat the head of the bandits, a sleazy noble by the name of Redmund Earheart and turn back the armies.

Sir Septimus and some of the group follow further adventure out of Freiburg, while Morgan stays behind to continue healing and watch over her Guild. Fransica returns every once in awhile to check in, though she is busy on Explorer's Guild business. Soon Morgan's Guild will be ready and she will make her move against the Swordsmen Guild. Morgan isn't quite sure what will happen after that, but she does know that revenge is sweet.

Ana Douglas
Player: Lissa
Profession: Sailor, Bard
Nationality: Avalon

Backgrounds: Lost Love 2, Lost Relative 3
Arcana: Stubborn
Reputation: 26
Experience: 68 total, 1 unspent

Brawn: 3
Finess: 3
Wits: 3
Resolve: 3
Panache: 3

MacCordum Heritage: (Appearance: Stunning, Child of the Sea, Immunity to Disease, Slow Aging, Sea Bound, Iron Vunerability, Cold Hearted)
Keen Sense: Sight (add one die to any sight check)
Languages: Avalon (R/W), Vendel (Avalon Accent)

Civil Skills:
Glamour (Apprentice): Iron Meg 3, Jeremiah Berek 3, Jack 2, Mad Jack 2, Queen Maab 2
Sailor: Balance 3, Climbing 1, Knotwork 1, Rigging 1, Swimming 2
Bard: Ettiquette 1, History 1, Oratory 1, Singing 3, Sidhe Lore 2

Martial Skills:
Knife: Attack 3, Parry 3

Unarmed: 5 passive, 0k2 active
Parry (knife): 20 passive, 5k2 active

Knife 3k3 to hit, 4k2 damage

Ana is sturdily built, well muscled and tall. She is in her early twenties; though she looks to be about sixteen from a distance, her deep amber eyes have the look of someone much older. She has short dark brown hair that is just long enough to be pulled back. She usually wears her sailor clothes, which are utilitarian and well-worn, a pair of breeches and a white shirt with boots. She is rather quiet and distant, keeping her thoughts to herself. Most people find it hard to talk with her, as she is somewhat cold hearted. Ana is very passionate about the sea, she loves sailing and becomes agitated when she is away from the sea, rubbing a lucky seashell to remind her of her real home.

Clothes (Sailor) - shirt, breeches, & boots
Foul Weather Clothes - oiled leather jacket & hat, heavy wool cloak
Fancier clothes - blue dress skirt, fine white shirt
Winter Clothes
Knife (boot knife)
Boatswain's Whistle
Salted Provisions (3 wks)
Book & Pen
20 ft. rope
Hooded Lantern
Flint & Tinder
Scale from the Deshane River Beast
31 Gilders
Saddlebag, Saddle, & Bridle
Horse grooming tools
Misty-grey pony


Ana was born in a small fishing village within the Highland marshes of Avalon. Her father is a fisherman with good luck, he always seems to know just where the fish are. Her mother was a local girl with good looks; their marriage was arranged, though it turned out well. Ana's mother is usually busy around the house, raising her siblings, mending dad's nets, curing the catches and other activities. Ana has three siblings, Alistair [3 yrs older], Graham [4 yrs younger], and Rachel [7 yrs younger].

She had a very quiet childhood, frequently playing with her siblings. Ana's mother would frequently pass the nights tell them great stories about ancient heroes, faries, and magic. Like her siblings, and many of the other village children, she could swim before she could walk and always loved being on, in, or near the sea. Together Ana and her brothers built a small boat and would sail just off the coast in fair weather. Her brother Graham found her lucky seashell on the beach one day and gave it to her. Once Alistair dared them to go into an abandoned mineshaft, telling them it was an entrance to a fairy hill. Ana was the only one brave enough, and got caught inside by a cave-in. She was stuck for quite awhile and as a result is now slightly clausterphobic.

A few years ago, Ana's siblings disappeared. A strange Montaigne ship was sighted in the area, and it is thought that they may have been kidnapped. Ana's father took their disappearance hard, he blames himself for not being there to stop it from happening. Ana, now a experienced sailor, pledged to find her siblings and bring them home to their father.

Her quest began in the Montaigne capital, looking for information on the ship that her villagers had seen. The shipping company was less than helpful, and Ana decided to travel with a group of Avalons (and a Vodacce) on a mission from Dominic d'Montaigne. They are given a message to relay to her husband, a general currently on campaign in Ussura. They are chased from the town by musketeers, before finding southern passage upon a river barge.

Many hardships ensue, including a fight with the Deschain River Beast (which they manage to convince to seek dinner elsewhere). They are pursued by the musketeer captain across Eisen and well into Ussura. They eventually meet up with Dominic's husband, and are rewarded for their efforts. Ana recieves clearance to search through the shipping companies records in an attempt to track down the wayward ship (which she learns is named Le Chien de Chance). They travel to an Ussuran port city named Odyesse, where she learns the name of the ship's capitain (Capt. Sean Richards), and discovers that it supposedly traveled to Vodacce. Ana parts company with the party, as they are planning on heading back to Charouse. A young Rose and Cross member named Lena, decides to accompany her back to Avalon, and the two head off on The Lady's Favor. While on board, they meet Rhoderic, a beautifully tall sailor, and a gentleman, who agrees to help them find this ship. He is accompanied by Brigit, a talented bard that has obviously fallen head-over-heels for Rhoderic.

She returns to Carleon to find that the ship had been sighted up the coast within the last three years, and heads off to Cardican to learn more from the local sailors. As she's talking to the cleric at the harbour-master's office, a sailor comes in to report an attack on the ship The Rooster by Le Chien de Chance. The Rooster was nearly sunk, and is currently being repaired enough to be pulled into dry-dock. Ana gets some information from the crew, the group gets a room at one of the nicer inns, and then goes out for a walk to think about what's going to happen now that she's nearly found the ship and her siblings.