The Church of Barovia
Barovia is not a very religous nation. However, the land does have a religion, even though maybe only twenty five percent of its inhabitants actually adhere to it. This religion, known as the Church of the Morninglord, was founded in the year 454 by Brother Martyn Pelkar after a conforntation with Jander Sunstar, the most ancient vampire of the mists(Jander Sunstar, detailed in the novel "Vampire of the Mists" by Christie Golden, is listed as Chaotic Neutral in "Children of the Night: Vampires." However, at this time three centuries ago, Jander was actually chaotic good, and the influences of the demiplane are what drove him from the path of light, although he is not completely beyond redemption). Afterwards, Brother Martyn gained a very tiny following in the village of Barovia, and later, when the church was taken over by Brother Sasha, its influence started to spread throughout the land. Strahd von Zarovich, the vampire count who's tower overlooks the village of Barovia like a specter of tyranny that was just waiting to swoop down and slaughter the citizens of the tiny, mist filled village, at first simply ignored the new religion.