The Reversal series


A Xander/Angel series. And written in random order (but listed here in proper storyline, such as it is). It was based on a rumor I heard about the end of the third season and the upcoming Angel. The rumor just sets things into action, though. It's definitely not the main point of the series. Unless otherwise noted, these are all PGish:


The Morning After

Departure Point

Weekly Ritual


Earth-Shattering Kaboom (NC-17, I hope. This was my first smut-type thing)

Special Guest Star

Wake-Up Call (NC-17ish, I hope)

Very Little Closure

A Little More Closure

Save It for Later


(Just Like) Starting Over

Kiss You Back

Night of the Living Crack Whores

Jumping to Conclusions

A Shopping Trip

Big Changes

Wounds You Never Bled

The Magic Number


An Older Man

Like It's a Bad Thing 


And here's the Willow/Oz/Spike thing. "What Wasted Looks Like" (takes place a few months after "Special Guest Star") is a three-part story that should be read in the following order:

Willow (this part is NC-17. My first attempt at not-exclusively-slash smut).

The Bed follows "WWLL." Giles finds out. NC-17 again.

