Considering the amount of non-X/A Reversal series and non-X/O (regardless of series) slashfic I have compared to those two pairings, I decided to just put the rest of it here. Series at the top, one-shots at the bottom. If it's NC-17, it definitely says so. I have problems figuring out where things fall on the G-to-PG-13 scale, so things that fall in there are usually not labeled.


The Portal series -- Austin Powers/Buffy crossover. Xander/Scott Evil.

Never Been Artificially Created in a Lab -- Evil comes to Sunnydale.
Pop Rocks -- Xander and Scott have pop rocks. Sequel to "Never Been Artificially Created in a Lab."
First Steps -- Willow has issues with Xander and Scott.
Stuck -- The boys discuss what happened a few hours ago in "First Steps."
The Next Step -- Willow and Oz meddle.
Lola -- Happy, fluffy kitties.


Non-Reversal Angel/Xander fic pair
After Hours -- Angel and Xander have a little chat.
A Bad Idea -- Sequel to "After Hours." The guys have that second date.


Oz/Giles fic pair

Payment in Kind; or, Male Bonding -- Oz makes good use of Giles' vinyl collection. Not really slash. More like pre-slash.
Pointless -- NC-17ish. Sequel to "Payment in Kind." Oz has a problem, and he turns to Giles or help.


The Roommates series -- Spike slash.
The Feature -- NC-17. Set in S5, after "Pangs." It's not a bug! It's a *feature*! Yes, I run with the nerds. And it turns out this particular fic is S/G *and* S/X, something I had completely forgotten until I read my own content warning.
Mr. Snuggles -- NC-17. Spike gets a new nickname. S/X this time.
Get Real Paid -- NC-17. Let's face it. At this point, the plot doesn't matter. It's NC-17, and it's S/X.


One-shot slashfics.

Our Hero and the Creature -- Response to a challenge to rewrite a fairy tale as A/X.

Leap -- Crossover. Quantum Leap and Angel.

Draw Back Your Bow -- Xander/Angel. Buffy meet Cupid (the Jeremy Piven series).

The Ring -- Giles loses his ring. A lovely young man finds it.

Xander Summer '99 Fragment -- Just what the so-called title says.

Pears -- Giles/Xander. PG.

Stick It There -- Very G-rated. Angel reenacts a Polaroid commercial.

in the back of his car (NC-17ish) -- Well, I don't really want to say anything about this one. It's written this way for a reason.

Trade -- NC-17ish. Spike. Xander. Xander's bed. Plot? I was supposed to put a plot in here? Oops. Um. . . Spike and Xander come to an agreement.

Shower -- NC-17. Giles/Riley. I actually dreamed this. I don't mean I dreamed two random guys did this. I mean I dreamed *these* guys did *these* things in *that* place.

Night of the Hummus (G/PGish) -- Extremely silly fic based on a certain line in "Grad 2."

After -- response to a challenge: What if Angelus' henchmen kidnapped Xander and Giles in "Becoming" instead of just Giles? Warning: I've been told that this made someone cry. Heck, it made *me* teary when I read it, and I *wrote* the thing. G/X Hard R

Under -- Giles has a recurring bad dream.

The Show Must Go On -- Xander remembers something that happened over the summer (pre-S4).

Worried -- Just a little Giles/Oz snippet.

#91 -- Giles/Xander. This was the ninety-first fic I wrote.

Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) -- Someone sent annoying mail to a list. I responded thusly. Slash. Oz/unidentified male.

I'm not quite sure how to define this one. It was the original sequel to "Unfinished Business" (in what would turn out to be the Letters series, found on my Xander/Oz page), but it doesn't really have a pairing in it, and I decided to pull it out of the series when I figured out what to do with it. So. Whatever. Here it is.
Three Little Words -- What other guy can Xander talk to?
