Meagan's Table of Contents


Lots of new-to-here fic and index pages completely redone 16 March 2002. It's almost all old fic since I haven't updated in something like two and a half years, but it's new as far as this site goes. Because of this, I am doing away with my new fic page. If I happen to start writing again (unlikely), I'll bring it back, but since none of this stuff is really *new*, it seems ridiculous to have such a section.


Slight update: 03 March 2005 – Added one little X/O piece that I hadn’t realized wasn’t already here. “Though in a Dream.”


Also, what the hell, I’ve added some links to screen caps I found on my hard drive of Seth Green and Nicholas Brendon making out. From some MTV show. I think it was _Videos That Don’t Suck_. The links can be found on the X/O page. People never believe me when I say I have actual photographs of this stuff.


Some fic contained within these pages is NC-17. They are labeled as such. If you are not an adult in your area, please steer clear of these. This is the sort of thing that gets pages yanked, and it took me two and a half years just to get around to updating this thing. If it gets deleted, it might not ever come back just because I am very, very lazy.


I have a few different sections.

Gen/het -- This is where the non-slash stuff lives. Gen and het are *not* the same as far as I'm concerned, but I don't think I have enough of each to really warrant separate pages.

Xander/Oz -- I have a *lot* of X/O stuff. So it's all here.

Reversal series -- This is where it all started for me. Xander/Angel, starting with an alternate take on how "Graduation Part 2" ended.

Miscellaneous slash -- If it's not X/O and not X/A in the Reversal series, it's here. There's non-Reversal X/A, X/G, G/S, G/O, and a few more surprises waiting. This is where all of the crossovers live.

Et Cetera -- Non-Buffy/Angel stuff. At the moment, I have one SG-1 piece, a couple of Smallville bits, and a few other random things (including Ken doll slash).


Any comments, complaints, suggestions, concerns, and questions about my sanity can be sent to me here.