NOTE: all the following, except the chr pic and disruptions in left part of the table below, is OOC information. Using this IC for any reason whatsoever will not be tolarated, and the scene with be ignored (nothing agenst any one, I just don't it when people use OOC info, its cheating and is very bad role play).
Brief history Billy was born about 160 years ago, some where on the US frontier. His family was smaller than average with only 2 children in it. His life was a good one. Untill one day when he was 10, long after his father had left his mother. Her, his sister ,and he were walking home when a group of thugs forced them into between two buildings. His mother offered them every thing she had but they didn't want money...... They wanted blood....... They were vampires. They killed his mother and drank her blood, then they came after billy and his sister. Then a shot was fired. Then sudently Fire streaked through the air and struck one of the vampires in the head, setting him on fire. The vampire dropped to the ground crying out in agony. Then their savior appeared: a man dressed in priestly robs holding a shot gun. One of the two remaining vampires yelled out, "Hunter!" and they ran of, the hunter giving of a flaming shot or two to hasten there flight. After that billy and his sister lived with the priest. He was a member of a church called the Nephite Brotherhood and was looked up to quite highly by the others. Billy decided to repay him by helping him in his lab and evenchaly became his apprentice. However not all was well. Around the age of 16, Billy discovered the truth about the priest, when he forsed Billy to test an immortality potion which he was not sure would work. The potion put Billy in agonizing pain, and he fell into a deathly fevor. After several moths, his hair turned bleach white, Billy recovered from the fevor. Later that day the priest aproched him, and went on about his plan to test whether the potion had worked. He tried to stab Billy through the heart with a curved dagger. They struggled and the youthful Billy overpowered the aging priest and killed him. Billy later learned that the priest had long since given in to demonic forces. He was only hunting vampires for ingrediants for the immortality potion and other brews. Saving Billy was just an accident, he had been looking for a new batch of vampire blood. Leaving his sister behind, Billy left the brotherhood and wondered the US for over 40 years. After quite some soul searching, and many a fights with vamires, Billy finally returned to the brotherhood and spent over 75 years in study. He has spent the last 25 years hunting the thing that killed his mother, and ruined his life nearly 150 years ago............... |
Physical | Social | Mental |
Strength ______O | Charisma _______O | Perception _______OOO |
Dexterity______OOO | Manipulation_____OOO | Intelligence_(brilliant)__OOOO |
Stamina ______OOO | Appearance _____OO | Wits ____________OO |
Talents | Abilities | knowledge |
Alertness _______OOO | Animal Ken______ | Computer________OO |
Athletics________O | Drive___________ | Cosmology_______ |
Awareness______OOO | Etiquette________ | Culture___________ |
Brawl__________ | Firearms_(old guns)__OOOOO | Enigmas _________O |
Doge__________O | Leadership ______ | Investigation_______ |
Empathy _______ | Meditation_______O | Law _____________ |
Expression _____ | Melee __________ | Linguistics________OOOO |
Instruction ______ | Research________OO | Lore ---------See Bellow---------- |
Intimidation _____ | Stealth__________ | Medicine_________OO |
Streetwise ______ | Survival _________OO | Occult_(mistic powers)__OOOOO |
Subterfuge ______ | Technology ______ | Science__________OO |
Other Abilities | |||||||
Backgrounds | Rituals | Paths |
Arcane_____OOOOO | Counterspell |
Alchemy_____OOOOO |
Resources __OOO | Counterspell - Spirit |
Hell Fire_____O |
Sanctuary___OOOO | Counterspell - Unweaving |
Library _____OOO | Hell Fire: Fire |
Hell Fire: Lighting |
Hell Fire: Earthquake |
Hellfire: Rust |
Hellfire: Tanglewood |
Willpower |
Numina / Psychic phenomena |
Merits | Flaws |
Imortal (why he's 150) | Otherworldly Taint |
Garou Kinfolk | Hatred (vampires) |
Charmed Exsistance | curiosity |
Luck | |
Ironwill | |
Exstra 21 freebie (for age) |
Fetish | level | gnosis | power |
Amulet of Kinship | 2 |
5 |
All Garou the wearer meets instantly knows him to be a Knfolk of note. (some mages and spirits was well) |
Maneuver/Weapon | Roll | Difficulty | Damage | Range | Rate | Clip |
Remington Army Revolver | dex+firearms |
6 |
6 |
35 |
1 |
6 |
Remington Army Revolver | dex+firearms |
6 |
6 |
35 |
1 |
6 |
Winchester Lever-Action Rifle | dex+firearms |
6 |
8 |
175 |
1 |
16 |
Remington Twelve Gauge Shotgun | dex+firearms |
6 |
9 |
35 |
2 |
2 |
Shotgun can ether fire a single shot from one barrle, or two shots from both barrles. | ||||||
Modified Walther WA-2000 Sniper Rifle | dex+firearms+3 |
7 |
7 |
600 |
2 |
5 |
Modified Rifle fires giro-get rounds only, and gives minus two dice to inititve and pluss three to dex+firearms roll. (stats on gun do not reflect the modifires on the bullets) | ||||||