Lauren Bezdon
My name is Lauren. I am 20 years old and a college Sophomore at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana studying Psychology, German and Leadership.

I work for the Leadership Center at my school. I spent a year abroad with Rotary in Germany before college. I also founded a Rotaract club and am a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. I run, snowboard and travel.

This page serves as a link index to a collection of pages that I have ended up creating through the years. It will hopfully also serve as a photo link, pending my ability and motivation to update and navagaite with Frontpage, my new adventure.

Know a good place where I can post lots of photos with easy access? (Similar to MSN where my TEC photos are, but with more space) Let me know!

last updated: 11/15/2004
Frosh Year 2003-2004
My Links:
UIUC Professional Page
TEC 2004 Pictures
Year Abroad Website
My Xanga
Running Log
Username: XQuinAngel
Password: XQuinAngel
My Info:
Name: Lauren Bezdon