Zack's Artwork

Check out my artwork and give me some feedback.

Zack's Artwork

Pencil/Black and White Art - Original/Redesign

Pencil/Black and White Art - Existing Characters

Pencil/Black and White Art - Miscellaneous

Colored Artwork - Original/Redesigned Characters

Colored Artwork - Miscellaneous

Zack's Artwork

Goblinbot's Art - I love this guy's artwork, he kicks butt!
          The Allspark - The best Transformers Web Board around!
          Zinou's Art - One of my good friends, and she's a kickin artist.
          Starblaster's Art - Another of my good friends, he's also an awesome artist.
Polar Flare's Art - One of my buddies from The Allspark, he's got some nice pieces.
Machina's Art - This guy is AWESOME!
AlexPrime's Art - Everything's hugely buff in this guy's eyes! Check it out.

Zack's Artwork

To place an order for a piece of artwork contact me on
ICQ #33038195
Or Yahoo Instant messenger, zad2k
Or E-mail at

We can discuss the details.
I can do concepts for your original characters, redesigns for
original characters, and more if there's something else you want.

Zack's Artwork

Visitors since July 5, 2000      Last updated: July 5, 2000

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All inquires please,  E-mail Zack  At:

All artwork is Copyright Property Of Zack's Artwork.
Art for hire.

Disclaimer: This page is not officially created or maintained by Hasbro, Kenner,or Takara. Transformers is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc., Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. Hasbro, Inc., All rights reserved, Manufactured under license from Takara Co., Ltd. This web site is not meant to infringe upon any copyrights and trademarks but has been established for entertainment only.