Okay! I really will get this page up eventually! It's just been a very busy and exhausting year for me! Things with my best friend were resolved, as well as with everyone else near and dear to me, and I'm incredibly thankful they took the time to hear me out. I know this is gonna sound really sappy, but I love them all so much!

Also, I got my new liver on the night of Halloween in 2006. This had been the big thing that kept me away from the computer and internet ... then I got married and well ... I'm just starting to get time now that I'm home alone a lot.

Guess that means I'd better start some more writing and drawing, huh?

Thanks to everyone who's sent well-wishes, prayers, and even spells my way. I love you all for it, as I'm 100% positive that those wishes were answered and that's why I'm able to write here today. Also, thank you to my best friend ... you're one of two of the main reasons I still am fighting and will forever continue to do so. If you can beat cancer twice, this is a walk in the park for me to deal with! Love you, hon!

The rest of the credit obviously goes to my family. They've all been so helpful and supportive - even my sister who usually argues with me continuously. You're all helping me so much. Thank you!