The End before you Start

By Doug Weiss

You ever seen those little kids at FNM, whose parents are sickeningly wealthy, and have accumulated a total of 10 Booster boxes of the current sets before they even know what they got? They got 5 Urza's Rage, 4 Hoppers, Shades, etc. But, they do not have the knowledge the "Good" players have and get them snatched out of there hands before they even know it for cards like Anavolver and a Yavimaya's Embrace. So, here is what I propose: All you "good" players make a reform. There is no sense in trading away your junk to take away the less then knowledgeable kids good stuff. I might think this way because I never got to rip them off, or maybe because I have the immense statistician of trading a way a beautiful BB fork for a crummy WB Italian speaking Clone.

So, here it is, below I have listed ideas on how we can help the newbie players, into one of us: A "good" magic player.

1. Explain to them what they have. Sometimes all those "Good" players will get caught up in there glee about ripping off a poor kid, he doesn't realize that this kid has more knowledge then he thinks, and ends up feeling like an idiot. Also, in order for them to learn how to make a viable deck, they need to see how cards interact. Don't make the deck for them, but give them a stepping stone to start at, which is another good point.

2. There is this kid there that always asks for my help with his deck. He puts a deck with all the Psychatog stuff in it, and then combines it with tempo and tries to make it a 60 card deck. Then, to finish it off, he asks me what should I take out? So here is a rule I think that should be set in stone: "NEVER TELL THEM THEIR IDEA SUCKS" No matter how bad it is, just tell them how they can make it better. We don't want them to quit, we want them to learn how to play and have fun at the game.

3. Almost done ranting now :. I don't want to make this sound as if they are a contagious disease that will eat your flesh off the bones before you know what hits you. But simply be nice to them. Treat them like they are one of the respectable players at FNM, because they are as much a part of magic environment as you are. You can even become their friends. There is nothing wrong with being friends with someone who's got all the best stuff ;)

I simply wrote this article, because I always see this happen. Its like they are not even human. I will trade with them heavily in their favor, because I do like them. I don't like getting paired up with them, it hurts me to have to play someone that doesn't really have a chance with out the greatest skill, but who says if its 4th round, a draw can't hurt :.

If you guys have any complains, comments, or flames, or rants, or you just want to tell me I'm in idiot, take a swing. I could really care. I am just getting my ideas out there… Email me at Thanks for taking the time and reading this.
