"The death penalty is a poor person's issue. Always remember that: after all the rhetoric that goes on in the legislative assemblies, in the end, when the deck is cast out,it is the poor who are selected to die in this country." -Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J
"Poor people accused of capital crimes are often defended by lawyers who lack the skills, resources, and commitment to handle such serious matters. This fact is confirmed in case after case. It is not the facts of the crime, but the quality of legal representation, that distinguishes this case, where the death penalty was imposed, from many similar cases, where it was not." - Stephen Bright, 'Counsel for the Poor: The Death Penalty Not for the Worst Murder but for the Worst Lawyer'
- The Case Against The Death Penalty A comprehensive summary of death penalty issues by Hugo Adam Bedau.
- The Hanging Judges Article in The Nation By Bryan Stevenson regarding the climate of the Supreme Court on death penalty issues.
- The Death Penalty Today, remarks by Anthony Amsterdam given at the 1998 Thurgood Marshall awards
- Abolitionist Bookstore Sponsored by the Friends Committee to Abolish the Death Penalty and Amazon.com.
- Reading List compiled by the Southern Center for Human Rights (current as of January 1997)
- National Coalition Against the Death Penalty
- ACLU Death Penalty Page
- ACLU Execution Watch
- Death Penalty Information Center
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Death Penalty Page
- Southern Center for Human Rights
- Friends Committee to Abolish the Death Penalty
- Derechos - A very comprehensive set of links.
- Links Toward Abolition - Another great compilation of links. Includes an extensive section on prisoners and prisoner's writings.
- Amnesty International - USA
- Campaign to End the Death Penalty
- Citizens for Alternatives to the Death Penalty - This site has a lot of great resources.
- Capital Defenders Toolbox - Extremely comprehensive resource.
- Cornell Death Penalty Project - This great site includes summaries of successful ineffective assistance of counsel claims, Brady claims, Johnson v. Mississippi claims and Massiah claims.
- Blume's Habeas Opinion Summaries - A great resource! This page contains habeas corpus case summaries compiled by the Habeas Assistance and Training Counsel Project.
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) Death Penalty Defense Updates:
- California Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
- Death Penalty Focus of California
- Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty
- Iowans Against The Death Penalty
- Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
- Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights: The Death Penalty Project
- Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty
- New Mexico Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty
- Ohioans to Stop Executions
- Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
- Death Penalty Institute of Oklahoma
- Capital Division, Tennessee District Public Defenders Conference
- Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
- Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
- Amnesty International Death Penalty Page
- List of Abolitionist and Retentionist countries from Amnesty International (revised February 1999)
- Facts and Figures on the Death Penalty from Amnesty International (revised February 1999)
- Hands Off Cain:Citizens' and Parliamentarians' League for the Abolition of the Death Penalty Worldwide by 2000
- Moratorium 2000
- Lamp of Hope Project - An organization of Texas Death Row prisoners founded to educate the public about the death penalty and alternatives, support victims' families, and break the cycle of violence.
- Damien Echols, on Death Row in Arkansas, featured in the film Paradise Lost
- Karla Faye Tucker
- Karla Faye Homepage
- Karla Faye Tucker Brown - A Memorial
- Memorial to Karla Faye Tucker Brown
- Karla Faye Tucker Case from Court TV
- Texas v. Karla Faye Tucker - Writ of Habeas Corpus
- Dead Man Talkin' - Dean Carter on Death Row in California
- Justice for Jimmy - Jimmy Dennis on Death Row in Pennsylvania
- Jeffrey Dicks on Death Row in Tennessee
- Martin A. Draughon on Death Row in Texas
- Clifford Boggess - pen and ink drawings by a 10-year Texas Death Row prisoner.
- Frontline - The Execution An examination of capital punishment through the life and crimes of self-confessed double murderer Clifford Boggess, who was executed in Texas in June 1998 after spending almost ten years on death row.
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