| I am also a slight hypochondriac with a tiny ebola obsession - you gotta love a disease that turns your internal organs into gelatenous goo that pours out your body! Who needs a shape-shifter? To read more about the evil effects of the coming plague, go to Ebola, Not Just a Disease, But a State of Mind. |
 | When I'm not obsessing about deadly retro-viruses, I am busy being paranoid in other ways. Picture, if you will, my childhood: a redheaded 9-year-old with a pair of binoculars and a bottle of disappearing ink. Check out the following links: The Spy Store (night vision goggles, anyone?) and Spy Grrl Network, a tribute to the famous Spy Grrls of Hollywood, Emma Peel, Agent Scully, Nikita, and of course, my inspiration, Harriet the Spy. |
 |  In 1996 I spent a summer in Columbia, South Carolina, interning with the Post Conviction Defender Organization (now called the Center for Capital Litigation). The Center for Capital Litigation represents death row inmates in the state and federal appeals process. I've compiled a list of links on the dealth penalty. Anyone interested in learning about capital punishment, you will find useful information here. |