Hi. Welcome to WCW Themes. Enjoy!

Berlyn :35
Bill Goldberg 1:10
Bret Hart 2:38
Buff Bagwell 2:58
The Cat 1:07
Diamond Dallas Page 3:10
Disco Inferno 1:01
Hulk Hogan 3:36
Harlem Heat :58
Juventud Gurrera 1:37
Kanyon 1:12
Konnan 2:47
Macho Man Randy Savage 1:00
Meng 2:11
nWo 2:08
nWo victory theme 1:08
Psychosis :55
Rey Mysterio Jr. 3:22
The Revolution 2:13
Ric Flair 2:14
Rick Steiner 1:55
Roddy Piper 1:02
Sid Vicious 2:10
Sting 1:15
The Total Package 1:59
Wolfpac 2:19

Past Themes

Alex Wright (pre-Berlyn) :58
Chris Benoit 1:56
Dean Malenko 1:59
The 4 Horsemen 2:07
Eddy Gurrero 1:44
Crushem(goldberg) 4:52
Hollywood Hogan 4:59
Lex Luger 1:01
LWO 1:44
nWo Midcarder Theme 2:07
Perry Saturn 1:01
Randy Savage 1:00
Raven 1:49
Sting (metallica) 3:10
West Texas Rednecks-I hate rap 1:41
West Texas Rednecks-Good ol Boys 1:52
Vampiro 4:23
Vampiro (old) 1:33
Wrath 1:54

TV Themes

Nitro(old) 2:00
Thunder 2:02

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