The Ncc Column, 1 December 1999

Hi everybody! Its Ncc1999 comin back at cha with another edition of the NccColumn and boy is there lots to talk about!

Soo many big stories going around... I dunno where to start. Lets begin with the HUGE announcement made by Mick Foley on TSN's Off the Record show, that he ha OFFICALY retired from professional wrestling. Mick has been in the business for 15 years and is only 33 years old! Why would somone retire at such a young age? Well Ill tell you why. Mick Foley has given everything he could possible give in his tenure in the sport, he has jumped off of roofs onto carboard boxes, been Rock Bottomed into an Electrical Box, set on fire by Terry Funk, chokeslammed off the top of a steel cage by The Undertaker, and soo much more.... this man has given all he had and its just time for the legened to settle down. Foley will still definitely a role in the Federation similar to Shawn Michael's but will we ever see him in the squared circle again? I think so, just give it a little time....

How bout that HHH? I tell you, I am actually starting to like that guy again. A brilliant stunt he did, just fabulous. Big applaud to HHH for foiling the wedding in very entertaining fashion.

As far as the rest of the Federation goes, well it looks like the PTC is having a real affect on the WWF after all, they lost several key sponsors the othr day and it looks as if it wont end there, hope everything works out Ok for the WWF.

I was kinda dissapionted to see that the Undertaker did not play any role in the interruption of Steph and Test's wedding. I was hoping it would set up somthing for later on but it didnt happen. I just finished reading the Smackdown spoilers and no sign of Taker there either.

Although RAW put on the better show last Monday, Nitro continued to entertain. However I cannot stress this enough, GIVE MENG THE DAMN BELT. If its at least for only a week or somthing thats OK, but I think he Bret Hart beat last monday. Cmon, after the way he manhandled Sting last week? Geez.

Juvantud's tequilla shot impressed me and I think Russo is setting the stage for his entrance into the Filthy Animals, somehow...with Rey being gone and all, you never know.

And the main event was Impressive, Benoit doin his big chin thing and Double J with the guitars. I found it all to be entertaining but not anything that will majorly contribute to the Hart&Benoit/Sid&Goldberg/Outsiders angle.

I am gonna wrap it up now, I should have a few more WCW themes up in the next couple of days so keep an eye out. Dont forget to help my cause. Until then, bye!

