The Levels of the Brotherhood Lair

This is a graphical guide to the levels of the Brotherhood of the Blade - since a lot of people seem to get a bit lost when touring around them! The owners/purposes of 'taken' rooms are listed below the map. Second Generation is denoted by italics. If you wish to add anything, email me.

The Brotherhood has four main levels: A, B, C and D, with A being the topmost, just below ground level. Each level has 60 rooms with the exceptance of C Level since the Mess Hall, meant to accomodate everyone at the one time and therefore also often used for festivals, dances and meetings, takes up a bit more space. This is made up by a series of rooms now used as storage and a garage, accessable through a hidden door on the east side of C Level. While its existance is known to everyone, the door is not marked, and Juniors have often been dumbfounded by orders to take this/that to the Garage...

Individual rooms are large and, though plainly furnished at first, can be customised to suit the taste of the owner. A single room is about 8m by 5m - quite big enough to fit in all the neccessities of life and many of the luxuries as well, should a person be so inclined. Some rooms were long ago extended into other rooms to make them larger and the largest of these have been turned into a Mess Hall (C Level) and a Training Gymnasium (A Level).

The stairways down to E Level are boarded off, because although the Levels extend down to J they get progressively colder, ruined, damper, until finally you come to I Level, which is a swamp, and J Level which is entirely underwater. None of the Levels below D are inhabited.


A01: Shockwave Featherstone's Quarters (later Shockwave and Milantha's Quarters)
A04: Ender McMallard's Quarters
A11: Querida Wingfield's Quarters
A13: Dalin Mandrake's Quarters (later Dalin and Gina's Quarters)
A17: Infirmary Bathroom
A23: J "Cutter" Andrews' Quarters (later Mainframe Room / Cutter's personal storage centre)
A24: Cutter's Workshop
A33: Infirmary
A34: Tarrin Avias' Quarters (later Tarrin and Querida's Quarters)
A40: Alexander Roguefeather's Quarters
A44: Training Gymnasium / Duelling Rink
A50: Ranger Stormwing's Quarters
A60: Rio deJeneiro's Quarters (later Rio and Calhoun's Quarters)


B01: Sierra Roguefeather's Quarters
B05: Juniors Gymnasium
B08: Dude's Quarters
B10: Kalani Manu-Hekili's Quarters (later Kalani and Cutter's Quarters)
B11: Kai Andrews' Quarters
B15: Felicity Stormwing's Quarters
B18: Calista Acarya's Quarters (until she leaves in 2336)
B19: Jae Silverbeak's Quarters
B20: Estelle Stormcrow's Quarters
B21: The Loungeroom and Bar
B23: Nosedive Flashblade's Quarters
B35: Duke l'Orange's Quarters
B40: Bathroom and Laundry
B43: Tam l'Orange's Quarters
B47: Slake Roguefeather's Quarters (later Slake and Estelle's Quarters)
B53: Bayard Stormwing's Quarters
B57: Kel's Quarters
B59: Leila deSilver's Quarters (later Leila and Duke's Quarters, until Kel takes over the Leadership, when they move into Duke's old Quarters)
B60: Leader's Office


C10: Jedar Stormwing's Quarters (later Kwame's Quarters)
C13: Ophelia MacBeth's Quarters (later top room of the "MacBeth-Flashblade Suite")
C14: Wade Chandelle's Quarters
C16: Tasmin l'Orange's Quarters
C19: The Brotherhood of the Blade Museum
C21: Drakelah S. Whip's Quarters
C24: The "Stormwing Suite"
C25: Nylessa's Quarters (later part of the "Stormwing Suite")
C33: Lyric Swiftwing's Quarters
C40: Nylessa's "wardrobe" (later the "Stormwing nursury")
C43: The Kitchen
C44: The Mess Hall
C50: Elle Avias' Quarters
C57: Marshall's Quarters (until he dies in 2331)


(Shown larger than it should be compared to the Levels; the garage is approximately the same width as the Training Gymnasium)

C58: Storage Chambers
C59: unknown purpose
C60: Garage


D06: Milantha Lightwing's Quarters
D13: "MacBeth-Flashblade Suite" (bottom room)
D21: The Hall of Archives
D22: Iliana of the Brotherhood's Quarters
D31: BJ Stormglider's Quarters
D38: Gina Firefeather's Quarters
D44: BJ's Prop Room
D47: Alistair Longwing's Quarters
D48: Janitor's Office
D52: Prison Room (1)
D53: Prison Room (2)
D58: Gaudeamus Downey's Quarters (until he disappears in 2337)