Name: Marvin Machica Pang |
Birthdate: December 14, 1981 |
Elementary Educ: Sulu Tong Jin School |
Secondary Educ: Notre Dame of Jolo for Boys Dept. |
College Uduc: Ateneo De Zamboanga |
Course: BS Mgt Info Sys |
Wolverine.mach@cool mail.com |
I love to tour across the country, especially the country where my parents belong. just last summer, Summer 2000, I travel just me and myself to sandakan, Malaysia. Formerly known as Borneo. I almost got lost because it's my first time to travel abroad not accompanied by my parents, but the truth is I want to be lost, so that I can see the real beauty of Malaysia and that's my mission, my real intention. While my parents plan is to notice my relative in Malaysia, to be acquianted and to buy medicine of my father's illness. I feel tourist just for a while, After one week roaming around Borneo (Malaysia), w/ no money left in my pocket just a ring given by my father during my graduation that I almost pawn it. When I got home my parents just smile at me and say's " What a nice son ". |
Take a glimpse look of my coolest vacation in Sabah, Malaysia |