The Guidelines

The few rules that are instated are mainly in order to protect the involved parties from anything which might offend the Readers, or the current Web Hosting Service. They are also created in order to assist in the overall flow and cohesion of the storyline. If you feel that you are not able to follow these guidelines, then this Writer's Group is not for you.

Now, on to the rules:


1) Vulgarity will only be allowed if it truly applied to the context of the story and character. "Slash" or any sexual content will not be allowed.

2) While trying to leave as much liberty as possible to those who will become involved in this Group, the overall storyline must be adhered to. This is to allow a path of progression for both the Readers, as well as other Authors.

3) A character(s), developed by one Author, may only be included in stories not of that Author, through prior approval. The submission must then include the approval of all Authors involved in that submission. Method of approval will be determined at a later date.

4) Submissions are due within 30 days of the Base Storyline's issue date. Late submissions will be accepted if contact has been made to make arrangements on exact date. Posting to this Site will occur within 7 days of receiving submissions.

5) The setting of the Storyline will be followed. Please do not submit stories consisting of Lasers, Guns, Rockets, or anything that would be considered questionable for a Classic Fantasy Genre.


1) Characters may be of any age, sex, or race. They can be of any personality as long as there is no conflict withe the story line, or the characters of the other Authors.

2) All Characters must come with a dossier containing the following: Name, Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Race, Personality, and a Brief History which introduces the Character.

3) The Webmaster has final say in all allowable characters. If any problems are found, a compromise will be requested. If one can not be reached, the character will not be allowed.

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