Those who have been checking this site for updates since its beginning (why they continue to do so is beyond my capacity to comprehend, but it’s still appreciated) will know that this UNLEASHED! section was put into place almost five years before Hasbro started releasing those 6” Star Wars statues under the same banner. But, what the hey. I reckon it’s been ten years, I could do with a new image at the top of the page. So I took a cue from the Hasbro line that bears the name of this particular page. Drink it in, folks, ’cause the rest of the content ain’t getting updated anytime soon! (I’ve got a huge project in the works, and it’s devouring more of my spare time than I’d expected.)
Anywho, this is where I rant. Where I can vent my spleen and let my casutic bile spew forth and scathe all who rouse my anger. A. Nonymous wanted in, too, so I gave him some space and let him go wild. Look for the following rants in lime green to be posted here eventually:
...on the availability of Jorg Sacul
...on The Star Wars Holiday Special
...on the critics who bashed Episode I
...on the “New Millennium” nonsense
...on wedding etiquette
...on apalling grammar
...on the desperation of the mass media
. . .
...on the frustrations of a customizer
. . .
...on collectors and speculators
...on the petition for his Hasbro Star Wars wish list
...on parents who throw away their kids’ stuff without asking
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activists care about current events, but ended up here by mistake.
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