Below is a list of the people who helped me make this page happen. I give thanks to ye
Mr. PJ Hruschak, for teaching me how to do all this keen techie stuff in his webpage
construction class, digitizing my line-drawings & photographs, and giving me all-around
general help; and Mr. Roger Fidler for letting me know about the class in the
first place. Also, special thanks go to Dr. John Fu, who gave me
moral and handy technical-type support at weird hours and the use of his PhotoShop plugins, digital camera, and scanner, and Messrs Gary Mote and Howard Jackson for help in creating and posting the .WAV music files
which worked, but were impractical in terms of load-time and had to be dropped. Thanks anyway, gents.
I also give thanks to the following friends, without whom, I would not have much material for this page, other than some semi-lame Top Ten Lists: The paranoid toy collector and customizer who wishes to be known only as
“A. Nonymous” for use of his keen custom action figures, Dr. Carl Stitz and Ms. Lisa Dechert, for
the photographical help, Mr.Rich Kauffman for the use of his digital camera, and Mr. Robert J. Sawyer, for his books and guidance, without which, the
Sawyer Gallery would simply not exist.
For help with the actual presentation of the page, I would like to thank “Moff” Jim Fisher
for giving me my first shot at HoloNet fame by posting my Top Ten Lists; Gentlebeing DTR
for his enthusiasm and eagerness toward even my looniest ideas and turning them into butt-kicking
weapons of destruction, the folks at The Greedo Page for lending me one of their JPEGs
while I was still searching for something to post in its place, Mr. George Lucas and his
gang at Lucasfilm, Ltd, for creating the Star Wars Universe on which most of this page
is based, West End Games for setting out formats which enabled me to develop my kooky
RPG templates, Hasbro / Kenner for making the toys that appear on this site (well, most of them), everyone at
Best Brains, Inc. for Mystery Science Theater 3000, and the sick, twisted monkeys
who made South Park possible.
For general moral (or more likely, immoral) support, technical advice, and other
swell things which kept me going when I simply wanted to vaporize the computer lab with
a thermal detonator, special thanks go out to all my Captioneer pals from the Dominion and
MST3K’s Caption This! website, as well as Chris Papatoukakis, Phil Creed, Dr. John McVey, and the rest of Da Boyz who gave constructive feedback during the formative stages of this site. What a swell bunch of sentients.
For general encouragement, suggestions, material, error-finding, and editing help, Esther Criscuola de Laix (a/k/a Findswoman) gets her own separate paragraph to signify how important how her assistance has been to me of late.
Finally, general thanks go to the folks who inspired the material which is posted on the Cool Quotes and Cartoon / Art Gallery pages. You know who you are.
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