The Handsome Stud Responsible For This Mess
Hi again. This is the page of mandatory blather which all webpages are supposed to have, detailing all the boring personal information about the webmaster, right down to hundreds of pictures of the webmaster’s pet bunnies, which nobody really gives a womp-rat’s hindquarters about anyway. Well, I decided against all that crap. Besides, I never had any pet rabbits.
Suffice it to say that I’m a fan of science fiction in general, and of Star Wars in particular. Hence, this website is a labour of love, cobbling together humor, artwork, cartoons, essays, Role-Playing Game templates, a trivia challenge, tons of links to sites which I hope you will find as cool as I do, and other such goodies in an attempt to make this website at least as interesting as www.WatchingGrassGrow.com. It turns out there really is a www.WatchingPaintDry.com, centered around the excellent watercolors of one Jane M. Mason, so it just goes to show how taxing it is to try to be funny on the World Wide Web without inadvertently incurring a lawsuit. Now I’m dreading a court summons from a horticultural club for implying that their website is dull.
Anyway, above you will find a picture of me in case you’re dying to know what I, the webmaster, look like. If you want to know anything else about me, it can be found in my résumé, listed in the links grid below. I would sincerely appreciate offers from publishers, talent agents, and Lucasfilm Ltd. Any information not in my résumé is probably none of your business in the first place.
And if you really must know, my last pet was a lizard named Ssslink, although I am sponsoring an adorable screech owl named Otto at Quail Hollow State Park in Hartville, Ohio.
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