Here’s a buncha stuff that wouldn’t really fit anywhere else. More stuff is on the way, I just have to organize it all and program the HTML.
NEW! . . .
Creature Cantina’s Sixth Birthday Photocomic. . . NEW!
DYING’S EASY: The Death of Joon Odovrera (fan-fic)
SOUP’S OFF: The Death of Dannik Jerriko (fan-fic)
THE GREAT TAKITAL: The Amanaman’s Tale (fan-fic)
RECTIFICATION: The Tale of Zuckuss and the Asylum (fan-fic)
BREATHE NO MORE: The Death of Doctor Evazan (fan-fic)
Casting Call: Tetsus Triumphant
Casting Call: The Quintaglio Ascension
Recipe for Bantha Surprise
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