Legal-Fegal Palaver

This should keep those ravening lawyers at bay. However, I may have left some people out by accident. If you feel that you are one of those unfortunates, kindly let me know, and I will try to include you. Thank you.

Star Wars, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and all associated characters, events, and music are copyrighted and registered trademarks of LucasFilm, Limited. All previously-released material contained herein is used for private, non-profit entertainment.

Golden Fleece, Far Seer, Fossil Hunter, Foreigner, End of an Era, Starplex, Illegal Alien, and all related characters and events contained therein are copyright to Robert J. Sawyer. Used by permission and in conjunction with the author.

Mystery Science Theater 3000, the Moon Logo, the Theater Silhouette, and all other characters and images are copyright to Best Brains, Inc.

Now, some of you may be wondering, if this website contains almost nothing but Star Wars content, why call it “Beedo Sookcool’s Cool Sci-Fi Page”? Well, it was originally going to have more to it. It was going to contain Babylon 5 stuff, but alas, what with one thing and another, I only ever saw about half the shows. If you visit the Babylon 5 Caption This! site of my online pal, Alex Gariepy, you will see that he has done a much better job than I could ever do. I love B5, but I never had the time for it. Also, there is another sci-fi property I enjoy, synonymous with “Stellar Journey,” if you get my drift. I would have had some “Stellar Journey” material on this site, except A Certain Studio which owns the “Stellar Journey” property is as quick to sue as A Certain Entertainment Company Whose Mascot Is A Castrato Rodent. Case in point: when The Certain Studio With The Mountain-And-Stars Logo threatened to sue a 12-year-old boy who adores “Stellar Journey” for having a non-profit, fan-based website devoted to the series. I cannot forgive that type of @$$#0!€ legal mindset, nor is inciting their legal wrath worth the bother. To Blazes with them and their lawyers.

All original cartoons, artwork and written material on this webage is the express intellectual property of Nigel Willis, copyrighted 1992-present. Any unauthorized duplication of said material is naughty. If you want to use any of my material, just ask me for Pete’s sake. I’m a nice guy; I'll probably say “yes,” anyway. By the way, if you’re reading this, you must either be really bored, or trying to find any excuse not to study for an exam or work on a term paper. You have my sympathies.

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The legal firm of of Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe have served me with Counter subpœnas.

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