Here are some cartoons I had a lot of fun drawing. Mostly, I did these to satisfy my own sick
sense of humor. But, I figured I’d post ’em just in case anyone else would get a kick out of
’em. If, by some miracle, you actually enjoy any of these, and would like to use any of them,
kindly ask me for permission first. Chances are, I’ll say “yes,” anyway. Requests by Sci-Fi
magazines or The New Yorker are more than welcome. Enjoy!
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Holiday-Themed Homepage Cartoons
. . . NEW!
AT-ST Sunday Drivers
HP (Lovecraft) Sauce
Park Wars Characters
The Conscientious Hunter
Raptor Escape!
Barney and Friends Go To Jurassic Park
Barney / Mortal Kombat
Offler the Crocodile God
Funky Yearbook
Soofad’s SpecOps
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people needed a laugh.
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