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Beedo’s Home Page

Keeping the HoloNet weird since September 1997!

Wa tetu dat uta *, gentles, and welcome to my cool Sci-Fi site! I am Beedo Sookcool, Rodian HoloNet slicer. Beedo to my friends. You may or may not remember me. I made some cameos in The Return of the Jedi (see the ROTJ link below). To all my friends who are checking this site for new postings, or to anyone stumbling across it for the first time, I bid you welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
* Greetings


Okay, so GeoCities is going to close down and delete all our webpages, is it? I suppose a 12-year run ain’t bad for a free website. Well, I may as well go out in a blaze of glory, then. Over the next few weeks (starting when my newly-broken right arm has healed a bit more, that is), I’m going to post some things that have been stuck in developmental limbo for some time, now. No, I’m afraid it looks like I’ll never get around to posting Galactic Monthly NewsStack here. Because although I’ve easily got a year’s worth of scripts already written, the main stage built, and most of the custom figures ready, the time I’d need to build or find the props and figures I need and set everything up and shoot it all (especially with my dominant arm immobilised in a sling) would take too long. So, perhaps when we meet on another site, then.

In the meantime, let me turn things over to A. Nonymous, who has finally gotten the raw material to finish a project he started eleven years ago . . . .

Thank you, Beedo! Let’s start off with completing Soofad’s SpecOps team, shall we? For years, this team devised by fellow Capper, John “Muftak” Allison, has been waiting for a figure of its Amani team member, Stump Hugelarge. The POTF Amanaman is too small and expensive to use for such a project, as Stump is about 3 meters tall. The POTJ Amanaman is even smaller. For the longest time, I was planning on sculpting Stump myself, but never got up enough confidence in my own sculpting abilities to tackle a huge, detailed, fully-articulated figure. Fortunately, the Amani Warrior packaged in the new Wal-Mart comic 2-Packs provided almost the perfect basis for Stump. Okay, he’s still a little on the small side, but he’s still taller than Soofad, so I’m going to run with it. Here’s the work-in-progress:

The staff is made from three paper clips twisted together. It was topped with charnoq horns made of Sculpey*, which were painted, then the whole shebang was wrapped in brown electrician’s tape to simulate the leather / bark-fabric wrappings the Amanin bind their staves and spears with. The handle was further wrapped in beige and brown thread to keep the ends of the electrician’s tape from unravelling. The banner is a long piece of red electrician’s tape folded in half lengthwise, trimmed, and with pennant-style cuts in the ends. I wrote “Soofad’s SpecOps” vertically in Aurebesh on either side, and it was looped in the middle and held together using a mini-staple, then slipped onto the topmost branch. The skulls come from (in descending order): a G. I. Joe “Arise Serpentor, Arise” DVD Battle Pack “Remains of Montezuma” figure, the necklaces that came with the Comic 2-Pack Amani Warrior custom fodder in the first place, and an Indiana Jones pitfall deluxe figure set. The lower two skulls have had any extraneous plastic cut away, and have been slightly retouched. I’m currently planning what to do to the Amani itself to set it apart as Stump. So far, I’ve definitely decided on a few paint touch-ups and a slavers’ brand on Stump’s chest (final design to be determined), and I’m mulling over how to give Stump an interchangeable right arm feature, using both original and cyborg prosthetic replacement arms, though that might not work out if I can’t find the right parts for it.

* We’re assuming charnoqs have horns or spikes; I don’t think we’ve ever seen a picture of one. Should it turn out they don’t have any such anatomical features, those’re corinathoth spikes.

What with the proliferation of super-articulated figures these days, I thought it would be unfair to let such cool characters linger in the six-points-or-less camp if there was any way around it. So the new Hackra Lep here is made from the Jedi Luke that came with the Target-exclusive Jabba’s Rancor set (I’ve already got a bunch of those Lukes from their initial release). The plastic sash and soft-goods have been removed. The neck post has been pared down a bit, and his head and hands come from a spare Modal Nodes Collector’s Tin Set. His belt and holster are made of black electrician’s tape, with half of a buckle from a TPM Accessory Set orange rappelling pack’s strap assembly. Try saying that five times quickly. His pistol is, judging from the size and detail level (we think), one of the original ROTJ Jabba’s Guards’ pistols, and his datapad comes from a spare Watto figure. He has been given one paint application: the trim on his shirt was made red for a nice bit of contrast, like in the original concept sketch.

Terth-and-Ved Nayer Moran of Lorrd has also had a super-articulated update. Using an Evolutions Padmé as the basis, with its head, hands, and feet popped off, I then immersed it in a vat of blue dye, and it came out much bluer than I had intended. Still, the dye tends to fade after time, so it should deteriorate to the light greyish-blue seen in the original concept cartoons in a few months. (The photo above is after two and a half weeks of fading, and a digital camera’s weird innate tendency to wash out anything blue). Because of varying plastics and paint applications on the base figure, parts of her came out largely unaffected by the dye. I overcame this by creating a two-tone jumpsuit with some turquoise-y paint (which doesn’t show up much on the photo above) or by smearing black paint “grease” wherever the dye didn’t take. Her belt and boots were painted black (though her feet are actually from a mutilated Endor Han figure and were already glossy black to begin with), and her original hands were popped back on. She keeps Padmé’s pistol, simply because it fits in the holster. Her lightsaber is the Vader saber hilt from a “Vintage” X-Wing Pilot Luke with a gold paint app on the emitter, and a removable Mace Windu blade. The hilt can plug into the belt thanks to a small hole drilled between the two pouches on her left hip. Her head comes from a 30th Anniversary Collection Female Starkiller Concept figure, with the hair repainted light brown (which, happily, exactly matched her existing eyebrows) and her irises were redone in light blue. After the time in the dye vat, her neck needed repainting, and the added couple of coats on the neck’s ball-joint helped to solve the wobbly head problem, since Lady Starkiller’s head-socket is just a teensy bit bigger than Evolutions Padmé’s.

And here’s the action figure group shot, based on the concept cartoon group shot. Hackra & Moran’s positions are reversed to better show off Hackra’s red piping and Moran’s lightsaber. This shows Moran as she appeared on the day she came out of the dye, and the difference between this group shot and the one of her on her own is apparent. As you can also see, I’ve also touched up the paint on and around Stump’s eyes, and repainted his wrist-straps to match the colour of the bindings on his staff. Since this photo has been taken, Croad’s trusty POTF2 Kloo horn has been swapped for a newer, painted Modal Nodes Collector’s tin version. I’m also planning super-articulated updates on Sareth Rut (based on the Comic 2-Pack Stealth Suit Deena Shan, but keeping the original head, helmet, and carbine), Bughead (based on the 30th Anniversary Collection 4-LOM), and Ziph-Yickrin (once Hasbro makes a super-articulated Zuckuss, that is). Now, if only they’d make super-articulated Talz and Ortolan figures. . . .



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