KarmaGal & AievveAvicia's Directory

I'm AievveAvicia and I'mKarmaGal, two strong shippers for the shows The X-Files and JAG. We are loyal watchers of Sailor Moon, and Farscape. We just got a new obsession and it's Blue Seed- another great Japanime show. Each of these pages will eventually have (if they don't already) fanfic, pictures, reviews, and more. Please visit and contact us with suggestions, pictures, fanfic, or anything else you have at dkathymx@hotmail.com.
                      -KarmaGal & AievveAvicia

Click here to visit the Filing Cabinet

Click here to visit the JAGattic

Click here to visit the Sailor Moon Site

Click here to visit the Blue Seed site

Click here to visit Star Scapers

Disclaimer: We don't own any characters from Blue Seed, Farscape, JAG, Sailor Moon, or The X-Files