The shuttle Charlotte, later renamed
Southern Star, was launched Feb. 23, 1985. LCDR Ron Byram
was the first commanding officer of this fledgling shuttle. The
Hornet was officially launched on June 2, 1987. The name is
not only rooted in local history (from a comment of British Lord
Cornwallis during the revolution likening locals to a nest of angry
hornets) but also the famous U. S. aircraft carrier which saw duty in
the Pacific theater during World War II. The intrepid new ship won
the Rookie Ship of the Year Award in 1987 and has been cruising the
galaxy ever since. Four shuttles have been launched from our Hornet,
Tesseract in Durham (NC), Rebel in
Lincolnton/Hickory (NC), Yorktown in York County (SC), and
Stonewall Jackson in Monroe/Concord (NC). The Rebel,
Yorktown, and Stonewall Jackson are all now full-fledged ships.
Read about our home port, Charlotte, NC .
We're also REGION 1's 1997 WEB SITE OF THE YEAR!!!
In addition to our fun 'n food monthly meetings and dinners out, we
also have an annual picnic in June and a Nearly New Year's Party. We
also do lots of informal things together, from going to conventions
(as spectators, security, or thrill seekers) to movies to about
After meetings once per quarter, we donate blood to the Red Cross. We
also recycle cans and donate food to the Loaves & Fishes ministry of
our host, Holy Comforter Episcopal Church. We also fire up the
shuttlecraft for an annual 'trek' to the PBS telethon. We're
lifeform-friendly too, having adopted a raptor from the Carolina
Raptor Center and a whale through the International Wildlife
Coalition. We collect things for charity as well: glasses for the
Lions Club, Christmas cards for the Episcopal Church Women,
Campbell's Soup labels for education, stamps for Starfleet Stampede
[proceeds go to UNICEF and similar charities], coupons for Overseas
Coupon Project [sent to overseas military bases for families to use
in PXes], and others from time to time. Also, we donate one-time
gifts to charities as needs are brought to our attention.
different humanoids have beamed to this
About the USS Hornet, NCC 1714 D
General Hornet Information
Ship's History
Condensed from USS Hornet Crew
Membership Handbook, by Mary Kane(nee Samonds) & Ron ByramHey! Did you know that there is an aircraft carrier
named the USS Hornet? Find out more about our sister ship at the official
USS Hornet site. Learn about other ships named
Hornet as well.
We're Starfleet's web site PICK OF THE
MONTH for January 1998!!!!Special Hornet Resources
See our ship's official logo
Debbie Ham's Sci-Fi Book Reviews
An oldie but a goodie- Star Trek: The
Next Generation Meets Microsoft
Tic-Tac-Toe in JAVA! (don't look if ya
aint got java!)
Hornet Fun Activities
Hornet Charity Activities
Hornet Hailing Frequencies
USS Hornet - Email Contact
This site was created using a Macintosh Performa
6290 by Bruce Schulman. This
page is operated by and for the USS Hornet, Charlotte NC chapter of
Starfleet. Star Trek; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Voyager; STARFLEET,
STARFLEET ACADEMY all properties of Paramount Pictures, a VIACOM
company; no infringement intended. STARFLEET - The International STAR
TREK Fan Association , Inc., is a non-profit corporation in the State
of NC, is not connected with Paramount, VIACOM, or Star Trek: The
Official Fan Club, and has been in existence since 1974.