The sea breezes drift gently through your hair, and anoint your lips with salt; the sweet briny smell of the ocean fills your lungs, while the roar of the surf swells and ebbs over the pebbles you walk upon. Cool waters reach forth to lap at your feet, beckoning you further into their depths. As you are caressed by natures gentle touch, you find yourself filled with marvel at all that the great seas have created and blessed us lowly mortals with. Quietly she comes, a caressing whisper at your ear, a sweet and lovely voice from beneath within the waves.
Softly she sings to you,
calling you forth into a land of dream,
a land nearly forgotten,
a magical land,
Why is it I have created this Merfolk page? Perhaps it is because I was born on an island, or perhaps it was those many long quiet moments alone upon the shore that have instilled within my heart such a love for these mythical beings. Perhaps it is because within us all, there is a child that hopes these watery beings are actually real and hidden deep within the Earth
's great oceans.
I ask you now, let that child
's beliefs come to life.Let your self embrace the magic and wonder that child holds so dear. Step forth in to the surf, and let the gentle caresses of the waves to cleanse you of all worries or concerns. Come and dwell within the seas of magic and myth, within the primordial Mothers embrace where time holds no sway,
where imagination is reality.
Click on any of the thumbnails below to have a closer look of the gentlefolk that lead you under the waves.