Ok i am now gona give you all that crap that everyone else gives you about this page being underconstuction now and it always will and BLAHBLAHBLAH |
Now i am gona tell you what is on this page and what is gona be on it. This is just gona be a page full of weird stuff like funney jokes, weird stories, and also about stuff the govermernt is lieing to us about like UFO's and all kinds of other stuff. |
I am gona save a part of this page for pictures and cool stuff that you can send me. If you have any cool pictures or jokes or anyhting that you think will be put up on my webpage then send it to me at DOYCTH@AOL.COM . Send your name and with them and i will give you credit for it. And eventually once i get a lot of people sending me pics then maybe i iwll have a pic of the month or something. |
THIS IS MY AREA51 PART go here for pics and proof that it is really out there. |
AREA51 |