welcome.jpg (16700 bytes)


Whole site NEWS-- Sup dudez. PaniK Here, we both have come to the relization that our site stinks and we are going to go crazy trying to make it better. I have made a new menu, its not up yet..i have to tweak the HTML or Java or whatever it is out a little. It looks better, i think... and King's programming section should be up shortly. so were going to have a new menu, and a new section i wanna make some new art but i have artist's block....

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File Section Run by King--Ok, I have come to the relization that my files section sucks. In 3 months I think 2 people downloaded something. So I am going to take the file section down. And make a visual basic section with source code, examples, OCX's, my programs that I made. And please I want feedback on my Art and when the VB section is up, King wants some feedback from that too!. It seems to me that there is no point in making a page if no one cares enough to tell us if we are doing a good job or not!

Art Section Run by Panik --Ok, if you have read my art page, you know that im getting nowhere...if you haven't read the page...I'm getting nowhere. No one wants to pay for anything anymore. I really dont blame you, if it were me, i wouldent pay for art. especially art of my callibur. If you like my art, i would like to hear about it. That is payment enough, someone telling you that something you created is good. Now i am offering art for return links, thats right..if your website gets 100+ hits\day, i will make you a good quality banner for nothing more than a return link! The order form is still up if you want some art. please rate my site at my page. I really appreciate the feedback. Well, at this point i have a bit of an artist's block. i dont know what to do, i just made a new banner, i think its better than my old one. its a little more simple but....i still think its better, well it is a bit late right now and i really have to go to bed or else ill sleep until 2:30, like i always do....well anyway. maybe one of these days, ill make some new art or even put up a tutorial! check back often...tell your friends and please, sign the guestbook...Thats all for now,   -PaniK

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