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Strategic Xwing Alliance Beta's

Strategic Xwing Alliance Beta 1,5
(Features)*(Instructions)*(Limitations)- All Below





1) More empirial base types
2) Bug that was causing team 1 to be misread is fixed.
3) Ship losses are no longer random - The "Decode Score" program tries HARD to figure out exact losses. But it might fail sometimes. DO NOT change the ship types or equipment! That will change ship prices and cause DecodeScore to misinterpret results. Decode score does make mistakes ! This is partially the fault of errors in shipinfo.txt file. I need help with that !!!
4) You can involve the cruiser in the battle by placing it close to the enemy base.
5) 5 levels of difficulty.
6) More kinds of ships to buy.
7) MIssiles are gone
8) The Ability to divide your fleet
9) Move to a sector by right clicking on it.
10) More ships to build
11) Ability to choose your team's AI level, and the computers
12) Ability to choose you prestige rate
13) Ability to choose your research level at begining
14) Play as either Imperial, Rebel, or Pirate

In current Alpha:
1) Skirmish results bitmap must be displayed in 24 bit color.
2) You can play with a friend. You can both fly then the skirmish missions generated on any side (imperial or rebel)
3) You must destroy all enemy ships ! Otherwise I cannot mark the sector as occupied by rebellion. Yes I know it is stupid !
4) You can save the game !!!


You have to destroy all imperial bases.
So basically:
1) Run SXWA.exe
2) Run getScore.exe
3) Purchase ships you want
4) Move to selected sector under empire occupation or skip turn if you are too weak to attack right now.(By Right Clicking on the sector you wish to move to)
5) Skirmish Mission will be generated. - Switch to XWA, load skirmish mission if you don't see it then go "back to concorse" and then back into combat simulator. Do not change any ships, ther number or equipment.
6) Fly skirmish Mission, kill ALL enemy craft.
7) Press "Print screen" on Skirmish mission which contains team scores and kills (Not the screen that is automatically shown) Make sure that the results are not covered by the "hand" mouse pointer !!!
8) Check that getScore.exe shows the score and kills correctly if it does not email me the bitmap (must be bitmap .bmp and 24 bit color !!! - zip it please)
9) Go back to UI. The number of ships you have will be decrement by your losses. DecodeScore program is responsible for decoding the results. It might take a while to run. It does not hang ! But on slow machine it will take up to 5 minutes (In the worst case !!!). Decode score does make mistakes ! This is partially the fault of errors in shipinfo.txt file. I need help with that !!! Your prestige (and empires) will be affected by mission results.
10) Got to step 3.

In current Alpha:
1) Skirmish results bitmap must be displayed in 24 bit color.
2) You can play with a friend. You can both fly then the skirmish missions generated on any side (imperial or rebel)
3) You must destroy all enemy ships ! Otherwise I cannot mark the sector as occupied by rebellion. Yes I know it is stupid !
4) You can save the game !!!


1) Can't have more than 48 ships, or 8 ship types due to XW:A limitations.

Only 8 craft types allowed per sector. This is skirmish mission limitation. If you can write code to create real missions let me know and I will tell you what code you have to write to make it all work.
You should not have more than 48 craft ! This is another skirmish mission limitation.

Empire will use its "IdiotAI" to set up new bases when it will gather enough points to do so. The more bases empire has the more prestige points it gets every turn.
To win: Destroy all empire bases.
To loose: Wait until empire has 10 bases. Or loose all your ships during skirmish.

In the undetermined hazy future:
1) Ability to capture enemy ships/bases even Super Star Destroyer and use them for your benefit !!!
2) 3 sides: Rebel, Imperial, Pirates
3) StupidAI (step up from IdiotAI in alpha) and maybe "FoolishAI" later.
4) You will be able to play against your friend who will control the opposide side (and make the moves for empire or pirates).
5) Enemy location will be unknown and recon missions will be necessary to determin them.
6) Reconnaissance information can be out of date, for example opponent can set up new base in the sector after your recon mission.
7) Empire will be getting more resource point than alliance.
8) Alliance will start with more research done.