About Me

So, you want to know about me, huh? I'm flattered. There really isn't much to tell. I grew up in a small town called Boerne (pronounced Bernie) in Texas about 20 miles north of San Antonio. I graduated from high school in 1987, joined the army, and got married. When I got out of the army after Desert Storm in 1991, I moved to Ohio where I still live with my wife and son. Oh, what I wouldn't give to move back to Texas! I hate the cold, icy, and sometimes snowy winters here in Ohio.

Well, that's about all the background info on me, so here are a few of the things I like. I LOVE baseball. My favorite team is the Houston Astros -- go figure, I did grow up in Texas afterall. I also like to go camping, hiking, bike riding, spelunking (caving), and just about anything else outdoors. I am also a coach for my son's little league baseball team (there's that baseball thing again).

That's about all there is to tell. I told you there wasn't much to me.

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