Trivia about Brent

    Name:                        Brent Jay Spiner
    Date of birth:               02Feb49
    Place of birth:              Houston/Texas
    Current hometown:            Beverly Hills/Hollywood/California
    Occupation:                  Acting/Singing/Voicing/Reading/
    Working Areas:               Stage/TV/Movie/CD/Audio-works
    Religious belief:            Jewish
    Marital status:              Single (with long-time girlfriend)
    Offspring:                   His son Jackson (born in June 2002)
    Eye color:                   Blue
    Hair color:                  Gray
    Height:                      5'11
    Favorite colors:             Black and white
    Favorite drink:              RC Cola
    Favorite food:               Anything with meat
    Favorite crunchy:            Salt Pretzels
    Favorite hobbies:            Sleeping and watching TV/Movies
    Favorite music:              Standards, Opra
    Favorite movies:             Black-and-white silent movies
    Favorite sports:             Baseball
    Pets:                        Two Bernese Mountain Dogs and a
                                 Golden Retriever
    Bad Habit:                   Says "maybe" when he actually 
                                 means "no"

    Education:                   Houston Baptist University
                                 University of Houston
                                 Trinity College
                                 Lee Strasberg Institute New York

    Upcoming appearance:         ?? 
    Currently starring in:       Star Trek "Nemesis" 

    Currently working on:        "The Aviator" - a biopic about Howard Hughes  

    Conventions scheduled:       ??

    My personal favorites of Brent's work: 

    TV/Movies:                   Rent Control
                                 Star Trek: TNG (TV series)
                                 Independence Day
                                 ST: First Contact
                                 Out to Sea
                                 Introducing Dorothy Dandridge

    Theater:                     Life x 3
    CD:                          Ol' yellow eyes is back

    Musicals:                    1776

    Readings:                    The Grid
                                 The West Texas Sprouting of
                                 Loman Happenstance