Electric Shock
One of the best sites on the 'net. Latest AC/DC news, AC/DC on tour, discography, AC/DC story, rare items, and much more!

Another great site. A lot of in-depth band info, magazine articles, discography, and EVEN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS!!!

No Nonsense AC/DC webzine
Nice Finland-based webzine. Check it out.

Riff Raff
Very complete site, one of the best on the 'net.

Rising Power
Uh... a lot of good sites out there. This one is another excellent one.

No Bull
This site contains almost everything you want to know about the great rock band AC/DC. Highly recommended.

Possibily the most respected and well know AC/DC site on the 'net. Has been around a really long time, too. As for February 2000 is under construction, but hopefully it'll be back in full force soon.

Fairly complete AC/DC fan page.

DJ's Dirty Deeds
Great AC/DC collector page, plus a lot of band info, band epquipment, tons of pictures, etc. This guy has been around forever, too, and he's back after a few months so check this out.