Kareshi Kanojo No Jijyou
Merchandise Info + Scans


Comming Soon Scans of
Kare Kano P.P Cards

This page has been started on August 26, 1999
but very soon it's back to school for me and a lot of other people which is way this picture of Yukino is on the main page.

Hello this is a page I started of the newest anime from that Gainax has worked on.
It's called Kareshi Kanojo No Jijyou (Kare Kano for short) and it is a shoujo romance comedy.
You can find more about the series and the characters in other web pages which I have links of.
I am here to talk about the merchandise show you what it looks like and if you are interested where you can purchase it.

Merchandise Info Links

Miscellaneous Links

AMO Kare Kano Home page

Link to CD SingleOp Info
Link to CD SingleOp Scans

Link to Trading Card Info + Scans

This is a wonderful page to start with if you want to find out about the characters and story of each episode and it updates very often.  Highly Recommended

Tash Live Anime Theater

You can watch episode 1 of Kare Kano through this web page with Vivoactive it requires little time to download and it doesn't get net congestion

The Kareshi Kanojo No Jijyou anime is copyrighted by Gainax, Sega, King Records, and Star Child.